Virginia Golfer September / October 2015 | Page 28

C urses for F rces With one of the strongest military presences in the nation, Virginia offers up some very good—and very affordable—courses in the armed-forces network by TOM CUNNEFF 28 V IRGINIA G OLFER | S EPTEMBER/O CTOBER 2015 PHOTO CREDIT HERE ALL PHOTOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY THE COURSES T courses not only in Virginia but West Virginia, as o most of us the term “military well. We’ve noted their tee-time regulations with golf” means a succession of each entry in the following list. left and right shots, but to Permission is hereby granted to spray it all day. some of the men and women in Virginia who serve our country, as well as their dependents AEROPINES GOLF COURSE and retirees, it means much-needed R&R from the pressures of defending our country. Ever since 9/11, the United States has been at war and the nine courses below that stretch from Arlington to Virginia Beach offer a welcome respite from the rigors of combat to the more than 120,000 servicemen and women on the 27 bases in the state. “They’re critical to the morale and welfare of soldiers and their families,” says retired Army Corp of Engineers Col. Dick Johns, who also spent 17 years with the Middle Atlantic PGA, all as executive director. “The public really doesn’t appreciate what an important part of recuperation these courses are.” The best part: most have adopted more liberal AEROPINES GOLF COURSE play policies in recent years, allowing government employees to play, as well as the general public, so Base/Location: Naval Air Station Oceana, Virginia you can finally play some of these great courses. Beach All clubs are members of the Virginia State Golf Play Policy: Open to public but must be driven on Association and four of the following participate base by authorized personnel; non-military can also in the VSGA’s VIP Program, which entitles play in the many charity fundraisers cardholders to special pricing at more than 200 Green Fees: $