Virginia Golfer September / October 2015 | Page 12

The Virginia Golfer Conversation Is Your Club Licensed? The VSGA will help member clubs meet all USGA Handicapping System requirements for 2016 by MICHAEL WALDER W 12 V IRGINIA G OLFER | S EPTEMBER/O CTOBER 2015 PHOTO CREDIT HERE e have made the turn onto the back nine of 2015, and with that, an important deadline is fast approaching for VSGA member clubs. By the end of the year, clubs in Virginia, as well as the rest of the country, will be required to renew their license to utilize the USGA Handicap System™ for 2016. For a golf club to issue a valid Handicap Index® to its members, it must be licensed to do so. The VSGA offers assistance to all member clubs to meet the obligations of the licensing program, which include having a handicap committee in place and participating in a handicap seminar. However, if your club fails to complete the licensing requirements by the end of the year, your Handicap Index on Jan. 1, 2016 will show “NH,” which stands for “No Handicap.” The USGA Handicap System Licensing Program for Clubs was created by the USGA 10 years ago to bring much-needed consistency to handicapping nationwide. At that time, it had become apparent that certain handicap procedures were not known, not well understood, or not followed properly from club to club.