Virginia Golfer September / October 2014 | Page 13

5 6 In an effort to eliminate this error, when he’s swinging well, Jake feels as though his right hip stays back a little longer during the downswing, the club stays in front of him on the descent and he swings the handle to the left through impact. Jake is a big, strong guy, and the less hand action the better. We want his big muscles doing the heavy lifting in his golf swing rather than having Jake’s hands fix his faults. He’s come a long way and has a very bright future ahead. Once he understood the overall picture, we’ve been off to the races and he’s become very self-reliant. 1. A neutral setup—just what we’re looking for at the start position Analysis by Nick Clinard, the head men’s golf coach at Auburn University. 6. Full extension on the follow through with the club swinging left w w w. v s g a . o r g 2. The turning of his chest and shoulders, as well as upper and lower body separation, helps to power Jake’s swing 3. His takeaway has more of a ‘swing away’ look to it and the club is hinging up above his hands 4. The club is in a square position at the top. No compensations needed from here 5. Jake’s hands are hiding the clubhead here—that’s ideal SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2014 | VIRGINIA GOLFER 11