Virginia Golfer September / October 2014 | Page 36

The Virginia Golfer Conversation many players discussed fear. Nicklaus and Tom Watson were two others who come to mind who were always honest and forthright about it, but not many others. What influenced you to write the book? DR. VALIANTE: I wasn’t a practicing consultant at the time. I was a truly an academic and researcher. I was at Emory University, one of the top academic researching universities in the world. I wrote that book with real academic rigor because the study itself had a lot of academic rigor. That’s how you’re trained at Emory. There’s a process for research. What happened was that a lot of golfers were talking about me in the media and Golf Digest reached out to me and asked whether I’d be interested in writing a book. I said sure, so we had a meeting with Random House and I actually had most of the book written. I would write down every good idea I had