VSGA member clubs
Back in the 17th
century, when clubs
were made with a sweet
spot of stone on one
end and meant to cause
serious bodily harm,
a portion of this ancient road was known
as The Great Warrior Path, eventually
developing into one of the principal northsouth thoroughfares and trading routes in
Colonial America.
These days, the 35-mile portion of
Virginia State Route 15 starting a few miles
north of Leesburg and continuing south
back to Route 29 near Gainesville could well
be considered one of the commonwealth’s
grandest golf paths. There are 10 different
18-hole courses along this northern Virginia
trail, and many more challenging venues
within 10 miles east or west of Route 15.
Of those 10 tracks, four are open to the
public, beginning with Raspberry Falls Golf
and Hunt Club, a Gary Player design, at
the start of the path. The rest are private
clubs, though all of them make themselves
available to the unwashed masses of hackers
by hosting charity tournaments, corporate
outings and other special events. Some of the
biggest names in golf––Player, Jack Nick ????)?????A??????P????????I?????Q???)??))????O?M??????????????????????????????)???????????????????????????????I?????)Q???)????????
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