Virginia Golfer Sep / Oct 2021 | Page 39

“ The turn of the medicine ball promotes forearm pronation and supination while also helping stretch your arms and upper back . Just be sure to choose an appropriately weighted medicine ball that will help you add strength to the bottom portion of your forearm .”
WHY IT WORKS : Increasing your range of motion in your forearms is beneficial to your release by preventing you from getting “ stuck ” in your downswing and not hitting the ball flush .
1 . Clutch a medicine ball in your hands and extend your arms in front of you . 2 . Turn the ball to the left as if you were turning a steering wheel . You will feel some activation in the forearm muscles in the arm underneath the ball as it is the one carrying the weight . 3 . Hold this position for about 10 seconds , then switch to “ steering ” the ball to the right . 4 . Repeat this exercise two to three times .
“ Much like a push-up plank , the Farmer ’ s Carry keeps your forearms in an extended position and strengthens the top part of that muscle group . The strength you gain will make it easier to hit shots where you really need to dig to get the ball out of thick rough . Plus , you ’ re building endurance for those days on the course that simply take a toll on you .”
WHY IT WORKS : This exercise strengthens your forearms while also improving both your posture and elbow stability . Walking with weights also adds a cardio element .
1 . Make sure you have plenty of room to walk around . Start by grabbing two equal weights , one on each side . This can be kettlebells , dumbbells , or in my case , loaded golf bags . 2 . Holding a weight in each hand , simply walk the length of the space you ’ re given for about 30 seconds while keeping a slight bend in your elbows . This allows you to engage your forearms . If you simply let the weights hang , you could injure your elbows or strain your upper back , shoulder , or neck muscles . 3 . Repeat your 30-second walk two to three times .
Kevin Martin is a PGA Teaching Professional and Junior Golf Director at 1757 Golf Club in Dulles .
vsga . org S EPTEMBER / O CTOBER 2021 | V IRGINIA G OLFER 37