Virginia Golfer Sep / Oct 2020 | Page 20

MY FIRST HOLE IN ONE VSGA MEMBERS SHARE TALES OF THEIR FIRST ACES IT’S ONE OF THE RAREST FEATS IN GOLF, one that inspires hope while standing on the tee box of a par 3 and one that can put a real dent in your wallet in the clubhouse lounge after. Holes in one aren’t easy to come by. The average player has about a 12,500-to-1 shot of making one, and even tour professionals will only make an ace once for every 2,500 tries. In our Clubhouse newsletter in June, we asked VSGA members to share some of their hole-in-one stories. And the response was overwhelming, so much so that there’s no way we could fit all of them in print. Fear not, though. If you submitted a hole-inone story, if it doesn’t appear on these pages, it will be published on On to the stories: 18 V IRGINIA G OLFER | S EPTEMBER/O CTOBER 2020