Virginia Golfer Sep / Oct 2018 | Page 24

Sunny Days Ahead FROM LEFT: SUN’s Aaron Sutch, Kiskiack owner Carl Zangardi, William & Mary’s Henry R. Broaddus, and Convert Solar’s Chad Wilkins. B right, sunny days are always welcome by golfers wherever they play. Those sunny days are especially wel- come at Kiskiack Golf Club where solar panels installed on the maintenance building roof are soaking up rays and producing sustainable electricity for the club’s physical plant. Kiskiack, located a quarter mile north of Interstate 64 at exit 231 near Williams- 22 burg, has gone green thanks to a pioneer- ing effort by owner Carl Zangardi. The golf course is the first in Virginia to tap into solar energy production. The 88 rooftop solar panels were introduced in a ceremony in mid-May. Kiskiack went online June 1, and 53 days into produc- tion, they had generated about 3,600 watts of power. Over time in the current setup, the panels are expected to offset between 20 V I R G I N I A G O L F E R | S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 18 and 25 percent of the club’s power usage, including charging the fleet of electric carts, and save around $5,000 annually on the electric bill. A WISE INVESTMENT Zangardi, an investment professional for more than 25 years, earned a master’s degree from William & Mary and is an executive partner at the W&M’s Raymond A. Mason School of Business. He and his KISKIACK GOLF CLUB IS PROVING A VOCAL PROPONENT OF USING RENEWABLE ENERGY TO POWER GOLF COURSES // by ARTHUR UTLEY