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The Rules
The Virginia Golfer
Rules Quiz
start of 2019. But until then, players will continue to operate under the current
set of Rules. How well do you know them? Put your knowledge to the test for a
chance to win a VSGA golf bag. Simply visit vsga.org/rules-quiz and submit your
answers by Oct. 31. Once you have entered your responses, you will be able to
view the correct answers, along with the appropriate Rules and Decision that
apply to that question. The entries with the top scores will be entered into a
drawing and the winner will receive a VSGA golf bag. The answers and winner
will be published online on Nov. 1. Grab your Decisions on the Rules of Golf book
and start today! Good luck!
1. A player may remove loose impediments
from the area in which they are dropping a
ball when taking relief from a cart path.
a. True
b. False
2. A player walks up to his ball on the
putting green and accidentally drops his
ball-marker from three feet above the ball.
The marker hits the ball and moves the
ball slightly. The player then holes the ball
from its new location. There are no Local
Rules in effect. How many penalty strokes,
if any, does the player incur?
a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3
3. From the putting green, a player knocks
his three-foot putt from above the hole 30
feet past the hole and off the putting green.
Which of the following is NOT an option?
a. Place a ball on the spot where he
V I R G I N I A G O L F E R | S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 17
last played from (three feet from the
hole), under penalty of one stroke.
b. Drop a ball five yards behind where
the ball lay, in a bunker, keeping that
point in line with the hole, under
penalty of one stroke.
c. Drop a ball on the putting green, two
club lengths from where the ball came
to rest, no closer to the hole, but below
the hole, under penalty of one stroke.
d. Place a ball on the putting green, two
club lengths from the original spot,
no closer to the hole, under penalty
of one stroke.
4. Which of the following statements is
true with respect to a ball-marker?
a. It is a breach of the Rules to mark the
position of the ball with your putter.
b. A tee being used as a ball-marker is
not equipment.
c. A ball-marker must be placed imme-
diately behind the ball.
d. There is a penalty of one stroke for
moving your ball-marker by pressing
down on it with your putter.
THE RULES OF GOLF are set to undergo a major overhaul in time for the