When Can a Player Change Golf Balls ?
As a VSGA volunteer rules official , I ’ m frequently asked to assist players in taking relief from an immovable obstruction , like cart paths , sprinkler heads , yardage markers , etc . During the process I ’ m often asked , “ Can I clean my golf ball ?” When I answer , “ Feel free to clean or change golf balls ,” the players look at me with a confused glare , quickly followed by a smile .
So , when can a player change golf balls during a round ? Often , it turns out . It all depends on how frequently a player needs to take free relief or penalty relief . Let ’ s see what the Rules of Golf say about changing golf balls during a round or a hole :
Between the play of two holes , a golfer can always replace or change golf balls . Rule 6.3a is titled “ Holing out with Same Ball Played from Teeing Area ,” however you ’ ll find it has several significant exceptions . Rule 6.3b discusses “ Substitution of Another Ball While Playing a Hole .” In short , when taking relief under a rule , including when either dropping or placing a ball , the player may use either the original ball or another ball . Let ’ s be clear , however , that Rule 6.3b insists you must be taking relief .
What does this mean for the average golfer ? You can change golf balls when taking relief from immovable obstructions , penalty areas , embedded ball , unplayable ball , etc .
Let ’ s look at a few common situations :
Cart Path Relief ( Rule 16.1a ): The cart path is considered an immovable obstruction in the General Area where players have the option to take free relief ( no penalty ). If you choose to take relief , it is OK to change golf balls . In fact , there is no requirement to pick up the original ball before dropping the new one . Once you have properly dropped the new ball in the correct relief area , it becomes your ball in play . The original ball is no longer in play , whether it ’ s in your pocket , lying on the cart path or given to kids in the gallery .
Embedded Ball Relief ( 16.3 ): When a ball is embedded in the General Area , free relief may be taken . Determine your relief area and drop the original ball or another ball in this relief area .
Unplayable Ball ( Rule 19 ): The player is the sole person who may decide to treat a ball as unplayable . The player can make this decision anywhere on the course except in a penalty area . There are three penalty relief options , each resulting in a one-stroke penalty . The player must identify the unplayable ball , but there is no requirement for them to retrieve it . Again , once you ’ ve properly dropped the new ball in the correct relief area , it becomes your ball in play .
The author watches as Brandon Cigna takes relief from temporary water in a past VSGA championship . Cigna was allowed to change balls if he wished .
Temporary Water , Ground Under Repair ( including flower beds marked as GUR ): These areas are captured under the Abnormal Course Condition definition . If your ball ends up in one of these areas , find your free relief area and drop the original ball or another ball .
Stroke and Distance Relief : When playing from where the previous stroke was made , under the Stroke-and- Distance Relief rule , the player may use either the original ball or another ball .
Shhhhh , don ’ t tell anyone . Model Local Rule E-3 Preferred Lies ( Lift , Clean and Place ) clearly suggests “ the player may take relief once by placing the original ball or another ball in and playing it from the relief area .” Like all local rules , your pro shop or golf committee can change the standard local rule implementation . Be sure to confirm that preferred lies are being used before proceeding with free relief .
Rolen , a member at Springfield Golf & Country Club , is a volunteer Rules official for the VSGA .
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