Fit for Play
Dynamic Duos
Offseason exercises for you and your golf partner by DAVE POND
Whether you walk or ride at play , golf is great way to get exercise and fresh air . Best of all , crushing a New Year ’ s resolution of improving your physical and cardiovascular strength doesn ’ t mean you ’ ll need to spend hours alone in the gym each week .
Since golf is a social sport , it ’ s easy to turn exercise into a social sport as well — especially if you ’ re used to spending time with members of the same twosome or foursome . This means each of you can reap the benefits while motivating one another into staying consistent .
“ When it comes to improving your fitness for golf a little bit can go a long way ,” said Chrissy Griffiths , Golf Strength and Conditioning Specialist at the Fredericksburg Country Club . “ Golf is a sport that requires good cardiovascular endurance , joint mobility , stability , strength , and power . To golf your best and feel your best , you need all of those . You don ’ t need to be super strong to golf well , but you do need a great amount of stability and optimum joint mobility .”
1 . Start by facing your partner , holding a resistance band at opposite ends . 2 . Hold the band in one hand and balance on one leg . If this is too difficult , stand heel to toe . 3 . While standing tall , attempt a single arm row . ( Your partner will be doing the same .) 4 . Do 10-15 reps , then switch hands and legs . If the row is too difficult , start with each of you attempting to balance on one leg .
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