Echoes Charles , “ I do believe in fitting once you play consistent golf , but if you are just getting into the game , do yourself a favor and get lessons . There is no sense practicing bad habits .”
There are multiple definitions of being “ fit .” Golf Datatech says that “ some consumers consider hitting a potential brand / model of club into a net or on the driving range , or trying multiple brands / models of heads , while interacting with a local golf professional / assistant pro / floor salesperson , as being custom fit . To a serious clubfitter , only the use of advanced technologies and launch monitors to gather data and complete the fitting process would be considered an accurate fitting .”
“ For these golfers , the perceived cost of being fit and buying custom golf clubs appears to be a major obstacle ,” notes Golf Datatech . “ Many feel they don ’ t play well enough to justify being fit . Combine the perception of much higher costs with a perceived lack of benefit to the player , and it is easy to see why they don ’ t see custom fitting as being worthwhile .”
Furthermore , the study finds that “ those who have never been fit typically feel that they are ‘ not good enough ’ to benefit from the fitting process .”
However , posits Golf Datatech , “ most custom fitters suggest that these are the very players who would benefit substantially from a proper fitting , because a good fitter is capable of addressing swing patterns and ball striking faults , then
For golfers interested in getting fitted , there are over 65,000 combinations of shafts and clubheads .
properly tuning the equipment to address those structural faults .”
In other words , a certified fitter can provide most any golfer with the right club — today .
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