Virginia Golfer November / December 2014 | Page 29

Fit for Play Band Aid Simple exercises using resistance tubing can work wonders to help strengthen, stretch and improve your body’s mobility by RYAN THIELE, CERTIFIED STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING SPECIALIST with TOM CUNNEFF | Illustrations by BARRY ROSS WITH OUR BUSY SCHEDULES, it can sometimes be difficult to get to the gym. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t get in a workout and keep important muscle and joint groups in shape to help protect from injury and get the most out of your swing. All you need is a fitness band with handles (get one at a sporting goods store with moderate resistance or about 8 to 12 pounds of tension) and a place to anchor it at home. 3. ABDUCTION 1. SHOULDER FLEXION AND EXTENSION Attach a resistance band around a sturdy support or pole at chest height, then engage your abdominals by pulling your stomach in toward your spine. While keeping the arms straight and standing with a slight bend in the knees, raise your arms together overhead as far as your shoulders will allow. Then lower your arms downward past your hips as far as they will go. Keep your core tight and perform three, 30-second sets. 2. SQUAT AND ROW With the band in the same position around a support or pole at chest height, take several steps back to tighten the band with your arms extended out in front. Squat as low as you can while keeping your arms extended and perform a row (bring your hands to the sides of your chest) while keeping shoulder blades back and chest out. Return the arms to the extended position out in front and repeat. Do three sets of 15 to 20 repetitions. Move the resistance band down to foot height and loop one handle through the other and around the ankle or ball of your left foot. Make a 90-degree turn to the left so that you’re standing perpendicular to the pole or support (your right shoulder will be closest). While keeping a slight bend in your right knee and a straight left leg, kick your left leg away as high as possible from the attachment site. Next, slowly return it to the starting point. Keep tension on the band at all times. Perform two sets of 20 repetitions on each leg. Co-author Ryan Thiele is a former Division I college golfer based in Charleston, S.C., who develops customized diet and exercise programs for golfers at www.goldstandard Co-author Tom Cunneff is a senior editor at Links magazine and is a regular contributor to Virginia Golfer. Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation (Required by 39 USC 3685) Title of Publication: Virginia Golfer. Publication No.: 1094-3021. Frequency of Issue: Bi-monthly. Number of issues published annually: Six. Annual subscription price: $6.00 per member, $2.95 single issue. Complete Mailing Address of Known Office Publication: Virginia State Golf Association, 600 Founders Bridge Boulevard, Midlothian, VA 23113. Complete Mailing Address of the Headquarters of the General Business Offices of the Publisher: Virginia State Golf Association, 600 Founders Bridge Boulevard, Midlothian, VA 23113; (Editor) Andrew Blair, Virginia State Golf Association, 600 Founders Bridge Boulevard, Midlothian, VA 23113; (Managing Editor) Non. Owner: Virginia State Golf Association, 600 Founders Bridge Boulevard, Midlothian, VA 23113. Known Bondholders, Mortgagees, and Other Securities: None. Extent and Nature of Circulation (Average Number of Copies of Each Issue During Prec