Virginia Golfer November / December 2014 | Page 22

OLDE MILL One round each on the Deer Run and Cardinal courses anytime. Phone: (757) 886-7925 OLDE MILL, Laurel Fork Five plays on Thursdays only from March-October. No holidays. Phone: (276) 398-2211 THE OSPREY’S GOLF CLUB AT BELMONT BAY, Woodbridge Two plays from January-March or November-December. Two plays from April-October. SPECIAL OFFERS: Play on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays for $53 before 1 p.m. from May-October. On ‘VIP Wednesdays,’ take $5 off the standard rate from May-October. Phone: (703) 497-1384 PENDLETON GOLF CLUB, PIANKATANK RIVER GOLF CLUB, Ruther Glen One round per month Monday-Thursday from January-February and in December. No holidays. SPECIAL OFFER: Three rounds Monday-Thursday from MarchNovember for $35. No holidays. Phone: (804) 448-4727 Hartfield Two plays anytime from January-March or November-December. Phone: (804) 776-6516 THE PETE DYE RIVER COURSE OF VIRGINIA TECH, Radford Two plays Monday-Thursday anytime from January-March or OctoberDecember. Four plays Monday-Thursday anytime or Saturday-Sunday after 1 p.m. from April-September. No Fridays. SPECIAL OFFER: See VSGA VIP menu at Bull and Bones for daily specials. Phone: (800) PETE-DYE (738-3393) or (540) 633-6732 PACKSADDLE RIDGE GOLF CLUB, Keezletown Three plays Monday-Friday after 10 a.m. or play on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays after 12 p.m. from April-October. Phone: (540) 269-8188 PENDERBROOK GOLF CLUB, Fairfax NEW FOR 2015 Three plays Monday-Friday anytime. Play on weekends after 1 p.m. No holidays. Phone: (703) 385-3700 20 V I R G I N I A G O L F E R | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 14 THE PETE DYE RIVER COURSE OF VIRGINIA TECH THE PINES GOLF COURSE, Fort Eustis One play Monday-Thursday anytime or Friday-Sunday and holidays after 12 p.m. SPECIAL OFFER: All you can play after 4 p.m. Monday-Friday ($12 walking and $22 riding) as well as Saturdays, Sundays and holidays ($14 walking and $24 riding). Phone: (757) 878-2252 POHICK BAY GOLF COURSE, Lorton One play Monday-Thursday and Fridays after 12 p.m. year-round. No holidays. Phone: (703) 339-8585 POPLAR FOREST GOLF COURSE, Forest Four plays Monday-Friday anytime or on weekends after 1 p.m. Phone: (434) 534-9418 POPLAR GROVE GOLF CLUB, Amherst One play per month Monday-Friday anytime from January-March and November-December. One additional play on Mondays only from April-September. Phone: (434) 946-9933 *COURSES, TIMES AND DATES ON THE 2015 VSGA VIP CARD ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE TOP: SCOTT K. BROWN; THE PETE DYE RIVER COURSE OF VIRGINIA TECH NEWPORT NEWS GOLF CLUB AT DEER RUN, Newport News