Virginia Golfer November / December 2014 | Page 20

LAUREL HILL GOLF CLUB KING CARTER GOLF CLUB IVY HILL GOLF CLUB, Forest MORE PLAY IN 2015 Five plays anytime. Phone: (434) 525-2680 JACKSON’S CHASE GOLF CLUB, Middletown Two plays any day from January-March. Two plays Monday-Thursday from April-October. Two plays from NovemberDecember. Cash only. Phone: (540) 635-7814 JORDAN POINT COUNTRY CLUB, Hopewell Unlimited play Tuesday-Friday after 10 a.m. and play on Saturdays and Sundays after 2 p.m. Phone: (804) 458-0141 KEMPSVILLE GREENS GOLF COURSE, Virginia Beach Three plays Monday-Thursday. No holidays. Phone: (757) 474-8441 KILN CREEK GOLF CLUB AND RESORT, Newport News MORE PLAY IN 2015 MORE WEEKEND PLAY IN 2015 BIGGER PLAYING WINDOW FOR 2015 Unlimited play Monday-Thursday and Friday-Sunday after 11 a.m. from JanuaryMarch and November-December. Five plays Monday-Thursday and FridaySunday after 10 a.m. from April-October. 18 SPECIAL OFFERS: A VIP group of four receives two dollars off per VIP cardholder. VIP cardholders receive 10 percent off golf shop merchandise. Phone: (757) 988-3220 KINDERTON COUNTRY CLUB, Clarksville One play Monday-Friday year-round. No holidays. Phone: (434) 374-8822 KING CARTER GOLF CLUB, Irvington Unlimited play Monday-Thursday and Friday-Sunday after 11 a.m. from JanuaryMarch 26 and in December. No holidays. SPECIAL OFFER: Five dollars off regular green fee rates from April-November. Two plays. Phone: (804) 435-7842 KISKIACK GOLF CLUB, Williamsburg MORE PLAY IN 2015 Five plays Monday-Thursday anytime or play Friday-Sunday after 12 p.m. Privileges are valid from January-March 20 or November-December. No holidays. SPECIAL OFFERS: Unlimited play from July 6-Sept. 17 after 10 a.m. ($30). No weekends or holidays. VIP cardholders receive 15 percent off all menu food and beverage items. Phone: (757) 566-2200 LAKE MONTICELLO GOLF COURSE, Palmyra Four plays from January-March or October-December any day. Four plays after 10 a.m. from April-September. Phone: (434) 589-3075 LAKE OF THE WOODS COUNTRY CLUB, Locust Grove Six plays any day after 10 a.m. Phone: (540) 972-2230 V I R G I N I A G O L F E R | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 14 LAKEVIEW GOLF CLUB, Harrisonburg MORE PLAY IN 2015 MORE WEEKEND PLAY IN 2015 BIGGER PLAYING WINDOW FOR 2015 Five plays. The offer is valid MondayThursday anytime from January-March and November-December and after 12 p.m. Friday-Sunday, as well as MondayThursday anytime or after 1 p.m. FridaySunday from April-October. SPECIAL OFFER: Ten percent off regularly priced Lakeview logoed merchandise. Practice ball special price: One token is good for a small basket for a $4 rate. Phone: (540) 434-8937 LAUREL HILL GOLF CLUB, Lorton One play anytime in January, February or December. One play Monday-Thursday, excluding holidays, in March or November. One play Monday-Thursday after 1 p.m., excluding holidays, from April-October. SPECIAL OFFER: Receive $10 off the regular green fee rate Monday-Thursday from April-October. No holidays. Phone: (703) 493-8849 LEE’S HILL GOLF CLUB, Fredericksburg Three plays Monday-Thursday anytime or Friday-Sunday and holidays after 2 p.m. from January-March or November-December. Three plays Monday-Thursday anytime or Friday-Sunday and holidays after 2 p.m. from April-October. Phone: (540) 891-0111 LEXINGTON GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB, Lexington Twelve plays Monday-Friday (one play per month). No holidays. SPECIAL OFFER: Ten percent off any purchase made in the golf shop before or after your VIP round. Phone: (540) 463-3542 *COURSES, TIMES AND DATES ON THE 2015 VSGA VIP CARD ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE TOP LEFT: KING CARTER GOLF CLUB; FRED VUICH/USGA PHOTO ARCHIVES SPECIAL OFFER: Three additional plays Monday-Friday after 10 a.m. or Saturdays and Sundays after 2 p.m. from AprilSeptember at $35 per round. No holidays. Starting times may be made one week in advance. Phone: (540) 248-7273