Virginia Golfer November / December 2014 | Page 17

CHESAPEAKE GOLF CLUB, COUNTRY CLUB OF CULPEPER, Chesapeake BIGGER PLAYING WINDOW FOR 2015 Three plays Monday-Thursday anytime from January-March and OctoberDecember (off-season) and Friday-Sunday after 12 p.m. Play Monday-Thursday anytime from April-September. No holidays. SPECIAL OFFERS: Golfers receive a hot dog, chips and soft drink for $5.50. VIP cardholders pay $2 for practice balls and receive 20 percent off in-stock soft goods. Phone: (757) 547-1122 Culpeper Four plays Monday-Friday anytime when available and weekends after 1 p.m. Phone: (540) 825-1748 CLEAR CREEK GOLF CLUB, Bristol Two plays Monday-Thursday. No holidays. Phone: (276) 466-4833 COLONIAL HERITAGE CLUB, Williamsburg T plays any day after 10 a.m. from Januarywo March or November-December. Play any day after 12 p.m. from April-October. SPECIAL OFFERS: T percent off regularly-priced en merchandise as well as a replay rate of $15 (when using VIP Card only). Five dollars for practice balls. Phone: (757) 645-2030 CYPRESS COVE COUNTRY CLUB, Franklin Five plays Monday-Friday, year-round. No weekends or holidays. Please call in advance to reserve a starting time. Phone: (757) 562-6878 CYPRESS CREEK GOLFERS’ CLUB, Smithfield DOGWOOD TRACE GOLF COURSE, Petersburg BIGGER PLAYING WINDOW FOR 2015 Two plays Monday-Thursday anytime from January-March or in December. Two plays Monday-Thursday anytime from April-October. No holidays. Phone: (757) 365-0495 MORE PLAY IN 2015 Unlimited play. Play from JanuaryFebruary and November-December. Play on Wednesdays and Thursdays from April-October. SPECIAL OFFER: Seven dollars off regular rates on Tuesdays as well as Friday-Sunday. Phone: (804) 732-5573 CYPRESS POINT COUNTRY CLUB, Virginia Beach MORE PLAY IN 2015 BIGGER PLAYING WINDOW FOR 2015 Four plays year-round. Phone: (757) 490-8822 THE CROSSINGS GOLF CLUB, DANVILLE GOLF CLUB, Glen Allen One play Monday-Thursday each month in January, February and December. No holidays. SPECIAL OFFER: Play for $29 Monday- Thursday before 12 p.m. or FridaySunday after 2 p.m. from July 5-Aug. 31. Phone: (804) 261-0000 TOP: © PDI: CHRIS JOHN; COLONIAL HERITAGE CLUB DOGWOOD TRACE GOLF COURSE Danville Six plays Monday-Friday. Please call at least 24 hours in advance to reserve a starting time. VIP cardholders have full access to the restaurant, but must pay with a credit card. Phone: (434) 792-8956 DRAPER VALLEY GOLF CLUB, Draper Unlimited play from Monday-Tuesday and Saturday-Sunday from January-March and November-December. Play from MondayTuesday and Saturday-Sunday after 12 p.m. from April-October. Phone: (540) 980-4653 EAGLEWOOD GOLF COURSE, Langley AFB MORE PLAY IN 2015 BIGGER PLAYING WINDOW FOR 2015 One play Monday-Thursday anytime as well as Friday-Sunday and holidays after 12 p.m. (must be able to access the military installation). SPECIAL OFFER: All you can play after 4 p.m., Monday-Friday ($12 walking and $22 riding) and weekends and holidays ($14 walking and $24 riding). FALLING RIVER COUNTRY CLUB, Appomattox Four plays year-round. SPECIAL OFFER: Any VIP cardholder wishing to replay will have the opportunity to play for the member cart fee. Nine- or 18-hole rates apply. Phone: (434) 352-7037 THE FIRST TEE CHESTERFIELD, COLONIAL HERITAGE CLUB w w w. v s g a . o r g Richmond MORE PLAY IN 2015 BIGGER PLAYING WINDOW FOR 2015 Six plays from January-February or November-December. Six plays from N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 14 | V I R G I N I A G O L F E R 15