Virginia Golfer Nov / Dec 2020 | Page 37

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An example of a great range session following a lesson with an instructor would be topics 1-2-5 . For the first 35 golf balls , you would work on the new swing change . For the next set of golf balls you could work on rebuilding your natural tempo , which takes a hit during more technical practice . Then you would finish with measurement practice , in which you would find your new distances with that different swing .
It would even be acceptable to do a 1-1-1 practice session , but all three sections of the practice would need to be on different topics , meaning your coach gave you three distinct things to practice . The brain can only handle a certain amount of time on one topic , and after about 35 golf balls the focus level tends to drop off , making extending the practice on that same topic counterproductive .
Another example of a sound practice session under this format would be a 2-3-4 , meaning working on rhythm , setup , and hitting to specific targets . This sounds like an ideal practice for someone who is preparing for a tournament .
II . HOW TO DO MEASUREMENT PRACTICE One of the most important practice topics is measurement , which can extend beyond the driving range and into short game or putting practice . The most simple measurement practice would be learning the distances of all your clubs . At a more complex level , you could measure your up-and-down percentage for chip shots around the practice green .
Here are some examples of measurement practice for the driving range : 1 . Carry distances with all clubs in full swings 2 . Carry distances with wedges in pitch shots 3 . Average proximity to targets from varying distances 4 . Fairway percentage with a driver to a defined boundary 5 . Tracking the percentage of solid contact shots ( as well as heavy / thin or toe / heel )
In order to measure distances for full swings and longer pitch shots , you will need a well-marked driving range . To get more exact figures , you could find a range with Toptracer technology or purchase a personal launch monitor .
The more you understand your own game , the more success you can have on the course . The occasional player at the very
1 . Be sure to practice with all of the clubs in your bag . Don ’ t just aimlessly hit driver for the entire session . 2 . Target practice is key for measuring distances during a practice session . 3 . Lag putting practice will help you get a feel for speed on the greens .
least should have an understanding of distances , but a more regular player needs to go beyond that and fully grasp more detailed percentages .
Knowing proximity and fairway percentages go a long way in helping players determine whether to attack risk / reward situations during a round . These stats also help with goal-setting and managing expectations .
Here are some examples of measurement practice for the practice green : 1 . Carry and roll distances with varying chip or pitch shots 2 . Up-and-down percentage with chipping or pitching 3 . Average proximity in chipping or pitching 4 . Percentage conversion on putts from varying distances inside
10 feet 5 . Average proximity on lag putts
Whether you are an occasional player or a daily grinder , you should measure your distances in chipping and pitching . Distance measurement can be broken down into carry numbers and roll numbers . Simply put , you should measure how far different swing lengths carry with multiple clubs , and then measure how far those shots roll on average . Without this information , coming up with the appropriate short-game plan is incredibly difficult .
You can still be a “ feel ” player and know your distances . If you are someone who needs to know how far away you are from 150 yards , you should probably know how far away you are from 30 yards .
The advanced players who have more time to practice should go beyond distance calculations , adding in average up-and-down percentages , average proximity , and conversion percentages on putts . These figures can be taken from rounds if you are someone who keeps stats , but they can easily be taken from practice as well .
Apple is a senior staff instructor at Raspberry Golf Academy .