Virginia Golfer Nov / Dec 2018 | Page 39

QUIET EYE 2 This activity is designed to quiet the mind and allow a golfer to focus on the task at hand. It’s a technique used by people like surgeons and golfers who have to focus on very specific body movements. All you need is a putter and a single golf ball, which can help increase your overall movement control. 1. Draw a dot on a golf ball with a permanent marker. 2. Place the ball on the ground with the dot pointing up in the air. 3. Set up to the ball in your putting stance and focus your attention on the dot on the ball. 4. Once you’ve focused on the dot for a second or two, make your putting stroke while maintaining your focus on the dot. 3 HIT THE QUADRANTS This drill is used to teach golfers to control where they hit the ball on the clubface and improve their ability to hit the sweet spot. And, depending on how old your spikes are, you might already have everything you need. 1. Take a can of foot powder spray, and use it to coat your driver’s clubface. 2. Draw a vertical and horizontal line across the clubface to create four equal quadrants. 3. While hitting drives, try to hit a specific quadrant of the clubface. The result of each shot does not matter—you’re merely trying to hit the correct quadrant. 4. Check the clubface. Each strike will show up in the powder, showing you exactly where you hit the ball. N OV E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 18 | V I R G I N I A G O L F E R 37