Your Game
Set Up to Strike Solid Shots
Every club, from the driver to the wedge, requires slight
adjustments as to how you stand to the ball
Photography by SCOTT K. BROWN
ne of the toughest challenges amateur golfers face is
switching from hitting the driver—which requires a
sweeping, slightly ascending strike because the ball is
on a tee—to selecting and playing any other club when
the ball is on the ground. This constant change is demanding when
practicing on the driving range and even more difficult on the course,
where each shot matters.
So assuming you’ve only got one type of swing, how do you adjust?
Unless you’re willing to spend a great deal of time and
effort revamping your swing, the easiest way to manage
the constant requirement of successfully performing the
striking action with all types of clubs is by altering your
setup. Here’s how—all the way through your bag (note:
all instructions are for a right-handed golfer).
Since the driver is the longest and flattest club,
positioning the golfer away from the ball correctly at
address helps to promote a sweeping action. Most amateurs
swing so steeply that they hit down on the ball (even with a driver),
a distance-killer that produces weak slices.
The key to making the correct driver swing lies in the setup. At address,
take a wide stance and align the ball with your left heel or left instep. Tilt
your spine slightly to the right so your belt buckle is closer to the target
than your top shirt button. The left shoulder should be a little higher than
the right; this is also known as a “reverse K” position.
Here, a little indoor work can
be an asset. Verify what you feel by
setting up in front of a full-length
mirror. Ideally, your body should
resemble a backward K—and if
you can maintain it throughout the
swing, the club will come into the
ball from the inside and on a slight
upswing. Closing your shoulders
slightly to the target will also help
encourage the correct sensation.
Ingrain the correct upward motion
during your practice sessions by
teeing up a ball on the outside of
the one you want to hit. Promote an
inside path by striking the ball you
intend to hit and miss the other one
as you approach impact.
To get the feel of a proper setup
and swing with the driver, place
an extra ball slightly outside your
club path. Tee up the ball you
want to hit as high as possible.
When you swing, keep the club
inside the extra ball, swing up and
hit the ball on the tee.
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The key to launching
longer drives lies in
the setup. Position
your spine away from
the target and tilt your
shoulders to promote
an ascending strike.
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5/8/15 11:30 AM