Pinehurst’s expansive clubhouse
is steeped in history.
Southern Stature
he luxuriates in the history of the 119-yearold institution and the game of golf itself.
In the display cases along “Heritage Hall”
are trophies from the U.S. Open, Ryder Cup
Matches and PGA Championship (among
the major golf events held at Pinehurst).
There are also photos and memorabilia
celebrating professionals like Ben Hogan
and Jack Nicklaus, amateurs such as Billy
Joe Patton and Harvie Ward, and golf
instructors highlighted by the legendary
likes of Peggy Kirk Bell.
“Many people move so fast through that
hallway, they’re on their way to the first
A sculpture at Pinehurst No. 2 commemorates Payne
Stewart’s 1999 U.S. Open triumph. Inset: A guest
chats it up with legendary designer Donald Ross,
who is portrayed in a statue on the grounds.
V I R G I N I A G O L F E R | M AY / J U N E 2 0 1 4
Master_VSGA_MayJune14.indd 32
w w w. v s g a . o r g
5/1/14 12:45 PM
Whenever Ron Crow walks
through the long hallway of
the clubhouse at Pinehurst
Resort and Country Club,
The central Pinehurst experience is
comprised of three prongs: the country
club, which includes member
tee or to grab something
and resort facilities and
to eat,” says Crow, 78, and
Visitors can rock away
courses 1-5; the Carolina
a Pinehurst resident since
and relax to their
heart’s content on the
Hotel, which is located a
1999. “I tell them to linger,
clubhouse porch.
half-mile to the northwest,
take their time, breathe it
opened in 1900 and includes
all in. You’ve got the story
240 guest rooms and suites,
of golf right in that hallway.”
a meeting center and spa;
Pinehurst and its rich
and the Village of Pinehurst,
heritage will be the center
tucked next door to the
of the golf world for
Carolina and laid out in 1895
two weeks in June when
by founder and Bostonian
the U.S. Golf Association
James W. Tufts to replicate a
in unprecedented fashion
New England village.
presents its U.S. Open and
The clubhouse is the Grand Central
U.S. Women’s Open on consecutive weeks
Station of activity from March through
on the iconic No. 2 course designed by
November—golfers checking in to play
Donald Ross. In announcing the doublecourses 1-5, including No. 2 and Tom Fazio’s
header in 2009, then USGA Executive
1999 No. 4 course; stoking their fires with
Director David Fay said there was probably
lunch in the Donald Ross Grill or a libation
not another venue in the United States
on the porch overlooking the 18th green of
with the quality golf course, volunteer base
No. 2; hitting balls on Maniac Hill, America’s
and track record of running successful
first dedicated practice facility opened in
championships beyond Pinehurst.
1913; or having their picture taken alongside
“Pinehurst is the closest thing to
the statue of Payne Stewart, the 1999 U.S.
St. Andrews we have in the United States
Open champion who was killed in a plane
in terms of that feel for the history of
crash three months later.
the game, the passion of the game,”
says Fay, who retired in December
Downstairs in the clubhouse is the caddie
2010. “The whole place just
room, where a stable of more than 100
exudes golf.”
caddies during high season stand ready to
carry your bags around the No. 2 course
Adds his successor, Mike
and read the devilish, upside-down saucerDavis: “I can’t think of a better
shaped greens. Carts are restricted to the
place than Pinehurst for such
extremities of the holes on No. 2, making
an historically significant
walking with a caddie the preferred means
event. When has the golf
of playing.
world seen this before, seen
“This golf course was not meant to be
the world’s best men and
played out of a golf cart,” says Tom Harmicar,
women play the same golf
course on back-to-back weeks?
a six-year veteran of the staff. “On this golf
It’s never happened before.”
course if you get in a cart, you’re just wasting
Set your sights on Pinehurst, N.C., one of the most idyllic sites
for great golf and down-home relaxation in the U.S.