All around are 14 treatment rooms used
by a staff of 15. Several are equipped with
their own whirlpools, fireplaces and private
terraces overlooking the resort’s gorgeous
hunt country grounds.
While waiting for an appointment
swathed in a soft terry cloth robe found in
each locker, guests are ushered into a dimly
lit “tranquility room” stocked with healthy
Golf ball massage therapy at Salamander Resort & Spa
trail mix nibblies, ice cold water or hot tea
may be unconventional, but the treatment succeeds
and coffee. Soft chairs and sofas surround
in soothing the senses | by LEONARD SHAPIRO
a crackling fireplace, and newspapers and
magazines are available as well. On the
time with Marion the masseuse was over,
day I showed up, one gentleman was
I was far more interested in basking in the
snoozing between sips of champagne, then
glow of a kink-free neck and a much less
ordered a room service lunch served right
balky back.
where he sat.
Salamander offers
a wide variety of
massages and other
treatments, and the
I had never
price also covers the
before encountered two golf balls being rolled
daily use of all the spa
up and down my back, across my shoulders
facilities, including
and down my arms. The procedure produced
an outdoor infinity
a no-pain, much-gain response from creaky
pool heated to 85
joints and achy muscles from head to toe.
It was pure pleasure, to say the least, for
degrees in winter.
what is known in the modern day rubdown
The quirogolf
racket as a “quirogolf massage” at the new
massage is not the
Salamander Resort & Spa in Middleburg, Va.
most popular choice
A 50-minute session costs $165 ($265 rate for
on the menu of
80 minutes). A professionally trained masseuse
services, but Marion
finds more ways to make mesmerizing magic
the masseuse says
with a golf ball than any touring pro on the
“it kind of goes in
range or any trick shot artist on the planet.
spurts. You’ll hear,
No Titleist or Bridgestone is necessary,
‘Oh, it’s my birthday.
simply a nondescript standard-sized ball with
I play golf, so why
the logo of Natura Bisse. The Barcelonanot try it?’ I enjoy
based company developed the massage and
doing them. It’s
also specializes in creams and lotions, sold
easy to learn, but
at the 23,000-square-foot Salamander spa.
definitely different.
“Because of the way (the golf balls) are
People really seem
handled, it makes a smooth transition up
to like it.”
The quirogolf massage
provides a unique kind of
and down the body,” says Penny Kriel, the
What’s not to like?
relaxation away from the links.
spa director. “It’s not the pressure of the ball.
These quiro golf
It’s the flow of the ball that really applies just
balls don’t hook or
enough p