Virginia Golfer May/June 2014 | Page 13

In position for a powerful strike. Lauren’s hands, arms and body are synched up at and through impact. her and lying across her chest and the right arm has folded naturally. See how her arms haven’t ‘run away’ from the natural turning of the body? Her right leg is sturdy, not stilted. Additionally, the club is in a fairly neutral position at the top of her swing. Her left hand is basically matching the angle of the clubface, which is really what we want at the top. Lauren’s strong arms and core muscles mean that she avoids overswinging. The downswing is a byproduct of the w w w. v s g a . o r g Master_VSGA_MayJune14.indd 11 great positions she’s already attained. Lauren is the owner of a terrific sequential movement where the lower body leads the way initially and the arms follow. The release of the club starts subtly from the completion of the backswing to the initiation of the downswing. There’s an appropriate lag that’s harnessing her storedup momentum, but it’s not overdone to the point of having to flip the club at impact. As the body unwinds naturally and she nears the strike, the left wrist is flat at impact With the left shoulder cleared, her body is facing the target at the finish—perfecto! and the club is accelerating. Thereafter, Lauren’s right arm is fully extended in the through motion, signaling that she’s fully released the club. Lauren has outstanding tempo, and she swings to a balanced finish that she can hold until the ball comes to rest. Analysis by Brian Bailie, the assistant women’s golf coach at the University of Virginia, and Kim Lewellen, the head women’s golf coach at the University of Virginia. M AY / J U N E 2 0 14 | V I R G I N I A G O L F E R 11 5/1/14 12:43 PM