Lanny Wadkins , Bobby Wadkins and Robert Wrenn . Greg Bales and Larry Loving Jr . won the Junior and both later served as RGA presidents .
Past presidents Bert Wilson and Bob Efird remember the Junior as the only junior tournament available . So everybody played in the 54-hole RGA event . Sometimes there would be 80 or 90 players . Usually it was in 50-60 range .
The tournament is 36 holes now , but one thing will never change : “ The good thing about the Junior is that it is 100 percent free ,” Efird says . “ When I call clubs to see if they could be willing to host the Junior , that ’ s the first thing I mention . This demonstrates the RGA ’ s commitment to junior golf . We put on this junior tournament that is 74 years old at no charge . Member club dues cover the costs .
“ The moms are thrilled because they have something local to play in and it ’ s free . The kids get lunch and a gift . In 14 years I ’ ve never had a problem with a parent or a junior golfer . They are well-mannered with great etiquette and they ' re on time .”
In 2009 , Efird ’ s daughter suggested starting a Junior Girls tournament . Efird approached the Richmond Women ’ s Golf Association about doing one together , but the RWGA wasn ’ t interested . The first girls tournament was in 2010 .
“ Typically , we have 6 to 10 girls . We would love to have more .” Efird says .
Two-time defending champion Madison Lehr plays No . 1 on Mechanicsville High ’ s golf team and was a second-team Richmond Times-Dispatch All-Metro selection in the fall . Past champion ( 2017 ) Jessica Rathbone of Patrick Henry was a second-team All-Metro pick . Addie Parker of Monacan High shot a 3-underpar 69 at Mill Quarter in the final round of her 2015 victory . She also won in 2016 .
Courtney Wynne of Deep Run won the first three Junior Girls ( 2010-2012 ).
Past president Len Isaacs ( 1991 ) says one of the biggest differences these days is the number of participants .
In the 1970s and ‘ 80s and into the ‘ 90s , “ the RGA Amateur would draw a field of 120-130 players . The RGA was huge . People followed golf that much . Golf back then was a really big deal ,” Isaacs said .
Isaacs was responsible for lowering the eligibility age for RGA senior tournaments . To play in USGA events you had to be 55 , but he , with the backing of the
Matt Ball in the fairway in 2008 .
board , lowered it to 50 , which has been the norm for the VSGA for a number of years . The USGA senior age remains 55 . What does the future hold for the RGA ? Taylor says , “ The first 100 years presented a lot of challenges and opportunities . I ’ m sure both will be present in the next 100 years .”