Virginia Golfer May / Jun 2020 | Page 23

The ODU women’s team had just finished second in the Maryb S. Kauth Invitational at San Antonio Country Club on March 11 when news began trickling in of the impact COVID-19 was having on the sports world. It was during the trip that Utah Jazz forward Rudy Gobert tested positive for the coronavirus, and the NBA soon announced it was suspending the season. “As we’re traveling back from San Antonio to Norfolk was when the NBA suspended play. When that happened, I said, ‘We’re done,’” ODU women’s golf coach Mallory Hetzel said. “I knew at that point we were done.” that particular coach if they want to retain that player on the same amount of aid. “You have the flexibility as a coach to say, yes, I’d like to bring back this particular player on the same amount of aid, or hey, I want to bring you back but I’ve got to cut it in half so I can give a part to an incoming freshman. “Now for 2020-21, next school year, the NCAA is allowing teams to go over their scholarship limit to accommodate seniors returning and incoming freshmen joining the program. Now, that is in some situations, if the school can afford it, you could have one heck of a team.” SHOULD I STAY OR GO? Radford University redshirt senior Peter Gasperini, a member at Halifax Country Club, is exploring the possibility of entering the transfer portal to see if he could play elsewhere next season with his extra year of eligibility. His initial plan was to finish his college career, play as an amateur during the summer, and then join the professional ranks in the fall. “Everyone you talk to growing up tells you to stay (in college) as long as you can,” Gasperini said. “This is a weird opportunity that presented itself to give me another year to stay another year and get some different experiences under my belt.” Morgan, who transferred to ODU after two seasons at Division III Virginia Wesleyan, still has credit hours to complete toward his undergraduate degree. He explained some credits did not transfer “ They’re resilient, as a lot of people are through this. “ OLD DOMINION UNIVERSITY ELIGIBILITY Morgan and Burgess each said they took time to digest the situation and gather their thoughts. Their main concern, like it was for other spring sports athletes, was whether the NCAA would allow them to gain a season of eligibility. Recently, the NCAA ruled all spring sports athletes are eligible for an extra year of eligibility because of the lost season. However, it is up to each individual institution whether or not the student-athletes are brought back on full scholarship, partial scholarship or no scholarship at all. “Every spring sport athlete has been given another year of eligibility. It’s the NCAA that controls eligibility; it is the institution, that particular program, that controls financial aid,” Hetzel explained. “Everybody is going to have another year, but it will be up to that particular team, ODU women’s golf coach Mallory Hetzel said she knew when the NBA suspended play that other sports would follow. M AY/J UNE 2020 | V IRGINIA G OLFER 21