Virginia Golfer May / Jun 2019 | Page 27

Courtney Ellenbogen won the Junior Girls’ title in 2006 at Roanoke Country Club, breaking up a potential four-year run of titles for Jessica Hollandsworth, champion in 2005, 2007 and 2008. teur. She won the Junior Girls’ for the first time in 1978 then won the Junior Girls’ and Women’s Amateur in 1980. She captured the Stroke Play in 1981. “I would say one of the highlights of my career was having all three VSGA trophies in my house at the same time,” said Kessler-Comer, a nationally rec- ognized instructor who operates Kandi Comer Golf at Old Trail Golf Course in Crozet. Junior golfers are a primary focus for her. The others to win all three “majors” were Donna Andrews, the first woman inductee into the Virginia Golf Hall of Fame; Lee Shirley Playford; and Amanda Steinhagen. Andrews was Virginia’s dominant ama- teur in the 1980s. She won two Junior Girls’ (1983 and 1984), five consecutive Women’s Am’s (1985-89) and three Stroke Plays (1984-85, 1987). Playford chalked up seven titles in the 1990s. She won the Junior Girls’ three years in a row (1990-92) and finished run- ner-up in 1993. She was the victor in the 1994 Stroke Play before winning three consecutive Women’s Amateurs (1996-98). Playford doesn’t play competitive golf these days. “Right now, I’m trying to teach my 8-year-old son to play. I play occasionally with my husband and dad,” she said. 4 Winning the Junior Girls’ was a catalyst for the victories in the Stroke Play and Women’s Amateurs. “It was just a natural progression,” she said. “It was something that I worked very hard for. Golf was a large part of my growing up and college career…The game of golf has opened many doors for me.” Whereas the VSGA Junior Girls’ was once the only tournament on the schedule, it now is one of many players consider for their schedules. Some good players will bypass the VSGA Junior Girls’ for other events. “I believe it is very important for this tournament to be on everyone’s schedule. NUMBER OF PLAYERS TO HOIST A WINNER’S TROPHY IN A VSGA JUNIOR GIRLS’, WOMEN’S STROKE PLAY AND WOMEN’S AMATEUR Winning this tournament showed me that I was capable of much more than I ever believed, and it showed me that I could be successful like the ones before me,” says Amanda Hollandsworth, a graduate student member of the Virgin- ia Tech women’s golf team and winner of the VSGA Junior Girls’ title in 2013 and 2014. “I think that so many people take this tournament for granted, but I will always know that having my name on the trophy with some of the best players in the state is one thing that no one will ever be able to take away from me.” 12 NUMBER OF GIRLS TO WIN VSGA JUNIOR GIRLS’ MULTIPLE TIMES 27 NUMBER OF VSGA JUNIOR GIRLS’ TITLES WON BY THOSE MULTIPLE WINNERS Kandi Comer, Donna Andrews, Lee Shirley Playford, Amanda Steinhagen. 6 NUMBER OF PLAYERS TO WIN A VSGA JUNIOR GIRLS’ AND A WOMEN’S AMATEUR Comer, Andrews, Playford, Steinhagen, Liz Waynick and Pamela Alexander. Tip-Aucha (2), A. Hollandsworth (2), Zimmerman (3), Jenny Suh (2), Kansas Gooden (2), Anne Cardea (2), Playford (3), Slaughter-Rardin (3), Andrews (2), Comer (2), Waynick (2), Clark (2). VICTORIA TIP-AUCHA M AY / J U N E 2 0 19 | V I R G I N I A G O L F E R 25