Virginia Golfer May / Jun 2017 | Page 8

KNEE PAIN SHOULDN’T TURN YOUR PASSION INTO PUNISHMENT. Whether it comes from a simple sprain or an injured ACL, knee pain can keep you from doing what you love. See an expert if you experience any of the following in one or both knees: n n n Swelling, weakness, tightness, instability Difficulty extending or bending Popping or crackling noises Vivek Sharma, M.D. (804) 526-5888 | Colonial Orthopaedics 7101 Jahnke Road, Suite 200 Richmond, VA 23225 325 Charles Dimmock Parkway, Suite 100 Colonial Heights, VA 23834 Because of the high expectations of physicians like Dr. Sharma, the staff at MEDARVA Stony Point Surgery Center strives for excellence — providing exceptional patient care and service.