Virginia Golfer May / Jun 2017 | Page 37

Fit for Play 3 Exercises to Enhance Your Game by DAVE POND IN THE MARCH/APRIL ISSUE, we highlight- ed the benefits of developing a fitness program. It can prevent injuries while improving balance, technique, longevity and performance. Now, with the help of Ryan Crush, a Level 2 TPI Certified golf fitness professional based in Roanoke, we’ll arm you with three specific exercises. SPEED SWINGS Speed swings activate the fast-twitch muscles in the golf swing so you’ll be at match speed on the first tee. Over time, it’s a simple drill that can help increase your club-head speed. • Turn your driver upside down and swing, adding speed with each rep so you hear a “swish” near the impact area. By the last rep, you want to swing as fast as possible. • Change your grip and swing in the opposite direction. Do five progressively faster reps on each side. Rest 45 seconds, and repeat until you’ve swung from each side twice. T ROTATIONS IN GOLF POSTURE SINGLE LEG ROMANIAN DEAD LIFT This exercise improves balance and lower-body stability, which is key to proper deceleration patterns in the golf swing. • Stand tall with your feet close together; stagger your right foot back slightly. Bend your left knee about 10 degrees and shift, so that about 90 percent of your weight is on your left foot. • While leading with your right heel and keeping your right leg straight, hip hinge until your right leg is close to parallel with the ground. Don’t bend your left knee any farther than it was when you started. Finally, contract your left glute and bring your right leg back to starting position. Do eight reps, then repeat with the other leg. This exercise really gets your anterior core going, helps you maintain good posture during your swing, and increases rotation through your upper spine. • Assume your golf posture without a club, hinging from the hips. Brace your abs and straighten your arms. Finally, turn your right thumb outward. • Rotate to the right from your chest while keeping your right arm straight and your left arm at address. Make sure your eyes follow your hand, and that you’re minimizing the rotation of your hips. Do eight reps to the right, then repeat on the left side. M AY / J U N E 2 0 17 | V I R G I N I A G O L F E R 35