Virginia Golfer May / Jun 2017 | Page 30

time. Then they have lunch and network with each other and guest speakers. Greiner says he felt called to provide a group program because Fort Belvoir, home to a modern community hospital partnered with the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, has a large war- rior transition battalion. The hospital provides housing for 300 wounded veterans to help them and their families heal physically, emotionally and socially. About 200 people a year, most with minimal prior golf experience, participate in Links at Fort Belvoir. Greiner and his volunteers, including teaching pros from Virginia and throughout the East Coast, also conduct a smaller program at Mary- land’s Joint Base Andrews. “The pros come and teach and they send me a thank-you note for letting them do it,” Greiner says. “They love it.” Graduates of the program practice and play for free thereafter, Greiner says, as long as they adhere to the complete ther- apy program doctors prescribe for them. “I require action,” Greiner says. “This isn’t a giveaway, it’s adaptive rehabilitation.” EXTENDING THE REACH Former President Barack Obama, who often played Fort Belvoir’s two 18-hole courses under Greiner’s watch, has visited Links to Freedom sessions. Jack Nicklaus has pledged his support. Arnold Palmer recommended Fort Belvoir to wound- ed vets. Greiner and some Links partici- pants also have been part of President’s Cup ceremonies. Rousing feedback has fueled Greiner’s expansive ambitions for Links to Freedom, which he established as a nonprofit unaf- filiated with the Department of Defense. Greiner says that enables him to raise money more freely; Links to Freedom will ABOVE: Links to Freedom Executive Director Steve Greiner (left) receives the PGA of America’s Patriot Award. LEFT: Participants and their families take part in rehabilitative golf as an extension of therapy. BELOW: Retired U.S. Army First Sgt. Tony Henry began golfing in Links to Freedom after suffering a traumatic brain injury in Afghanistan. 28 V I R G I N I A G O L F E R | M AY / J U N E 2 0 1 7