actions do or do not result in getting the general penalty of two strokes .
When touching sand results in penalty ( 12.2b ( 1 )) Before making a stroke at a ball in a bunker , a player must not :
• Deliberately touch sand in the bunker with a hand , club , rake or other object to test the condition of the sand and learn information for the next stroke
• Touch sand in the bunker with a club h In the area right in front of or right
behind the ball ( except as allowed under Rule 7.1a in fairly searching for a ball or under Rule 12.2a in removing loose impediments or movable obstruction ) h Making a practice swing h Making the backswing for a stroke
When touching sand does not result in penalty ( 12.2b ( 2 )) Except as covered by ( 1 ), this Rule does not prohibit the player from touching sand in the bunker in any other way , including :
• Digging in with the feet to take a stance for a practice swing or the stroke
• Smoothing the bunker to care for the course
• Placing clubs , equipment , or other objects in the bunker
• Measuring , marking , lifting , replacing , or taking other actions under a Rule
• Leaning on a club to rest , stay balanced or prevent a fall
• Striking the sand in frustration or anger
It is perfectly acceptable to touch the sand in many ways if you find yourself in a bunker . The sacred area seems to really be around the golf ball itself and making sure any actions that are taken do not also improve the conditions affecting the stroke — like lie of the ball , area of intended stance , area of intended swing , line of play , and relief area .
When it comes to practice swings in a bunker , which are allowed , Rule 12.2 just states that the player cannot ground their club while making a practice swing in the bunker where the ball lies . This means that it is perfectly legal for a player to go to another bunker where their ball does not lie and take practice swings while grounding their club or testing the condition of the sand . If you decide to choose a bunker to practice in , just make sure it is not a bunker that is in front of the one where your ball currently lies , as that would be considered a breach of Rule 8.1 , improving conditions affecting the stroke .