Virginia Golfer Mar / Apr 2022 | Page 38

Fit for Play

Tour Winning Warmups

Three ways to warm up like the pros by DAVE POND

THERE ARE MANY BENE- FITS TO TAKING TIPS FROM GOLF ’ S MOST SKILLED , DRIVEN PLAYERS , said David Ingalls , a NASM-certified personal trainer and TPI-certified Level 2 fitness instructor based in Leesburg . That includes how they warm up .

Ingalls said most professional golfers spend an hour or more warming up their bodies ( including physiological work , manipulation , workouts , and mobility exercises ) before they even begin their golf-centric warmups each day .
“ You still have outliers who will espouse a different approach , but the overwhelming majority have found the benefits of making their bodies work first , then addressing golf skills ,” Ingalls said . “ It is about increasing the potential for success .”
Ingalls shared examples of warmup exercises from a few of the game ’ s best golfers .
ADAM SCOTT ’ S COUCH STRETCH Scott is extremely flexible and has excellent mobility . This range of motion in his quad muscles and hips allows him to rotate freely and stabilize better throughout the movement of the golf swing .
“ This stretch forces the hip into extension , which is not a place many people who sit most of the day spend their time ,” Ingalls said . “ It is a great stretch for the hip flexors , too , and gaining a range of motion in that area can improve a golfer ’ s ability to rotate more freely during the swing .”
1 . Place the top of one foot ( in plantar flexion ) against a couch ( or a wall ) with the same knee touching the ground . Your foot should be flat on the ground with the knee at as close to a 90-degree angle in front of you .
2 . With your hands on the ground , work that knee back to get it as close to the couch or wall as you can . Ideally , you will end up with your heel touching your rear . Hold for 90-120 seconds to really make a difference .
3 . As you get more comfortable in that spot , try straightening your upper body and taking your hands off the ground . For more advanced athletes , upper body presses or pulls can be done in this position to access greater ranges of motion in the shoulders .
JON RAHM ’ S DEAD BUG Rahm must have an exceptionally strong core to allow his arms to deliver the club with the speed he does . This exercise helps Jon move contralateral ( opposing ) sides of his body in a controlled fashion and engage the sling muscles , which are vital to a better golf swing . As a golfer , your outer limbs ( arms and legs ) will not move with speed without a strong midsection .
“ This is a great basic exercise with several modifications that can be done to make it easier or more difficult depending on your skill level ,” Ingalls said . “ Drop the ego and start where you perform the best . Add weights to the hands or legs or use bands to make the exercise harder if it is too easy . If you cannot move opposing sides at the same time , work on simply moving one limb at a time .”
1 . Lay flat on your back with your arms extended toward the ceiling and your legs bent at 90 degrees . Your thumbs should be pointed toward your head , not toward each other . Also , focus on keeping your entire back flat against the ground throughout the entire exercise .

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