Virginia Golfer Mar / Apr 2019 | Page 10

( atc ) Next Up Spotlighting the next generation of Virginia golfers A NEW CHAPTER by CHRIS LANG GWEN FODDRELL Virginia Golfer: How did the idea to begin “The Golf Diaries” come about? Gwen Foddrell: At the age of 13 my dad told me I needed to improve my writing skills so he wanted me writing something daily. I wasn’t sure what to write about, so my mom suggested I write about my golf experiences. She encouraged me to write about practices, lessons, matches, events, or anything that happened while I was playing golf. As I wrote more and more, I saw that my writings could be organized into an interesting or even inspiring story 8 that could be made into a book. Based on the popularity of the books, I launched The Golf Diaries memorabilia, i.e. hats, shirts, ball-markers and jewelry. VG: Is writing something you have always had an interest in? GF: Writing is something that I fell into. In trying to improve my writing skills, it just kind of happened. It has been a great outlet to help me process feelings and emotions, not only in golf, but in life as a teenage girl. I am very thankful for it. It has shown V I R G I N I A G O L F E R | M A R C H / A P R I L 2 0 1 9 AGE: 17 HOMETOWN: North Chesterfield HOME CLUB: Stonehenge G&CC me that I have a creative side that writing can nurture. Through writing, I am able to relive my achievements, and that is fun. VG: Take us through your creative process a bit. Where do you find your inspiration? GF: I actually take real life events that happen and embellish them with some juicy drama. We all know us girls love us some drama. I sometimes take two different events that happen both on the golf course and at school and blend the two and then add a little extra with my imagination. My stories don’t always have FOR GWEN FODDRELL, a figure-skating injury at age 12 sparked an interest in a new sport—and a new passion. Now Foddrell, a high-school junior, has combined her zeal for both golf and writing to author a series of books that have reached young girls around the world. Read on to learn more about Foddrell and her book series, “The Golf Diaries.”