Virginia Golfer Mar / Apr 2019 | Page 7

( ) compiled by CHRIS LANG Virginia Golfer A R O U N D T H E COMMON WEALTH GWEN FODDRELL IS GROWING THE GAME—WITH HER STORIES. P.8 » Virginia golf & the people who make it great 5 NEWS & NOTES 6 OPENING DRIVE 8 NEXT UP 10 MEMBER CLUBS 12 RULES 14 GREAT HOLES 35 years later, VIP Golf Card continues growth $2.3 million have been allocated to VSGA-VIP Scholarship Foundation recipients since 1985 T h i r t y- fi ve y e a r s a g o, past VSGA president Frank Filipowicz and friend Dave Daniels embarked on a mis- sion: To start a pro- gram in which golf courses across Virginia came together to support the college aspirations of students in the Commonwealth who had an interest in golf. Thus, the VSGA VIP Golf Card was born. The first edition of the card, in 1984, featured 25 courses. A year later, the proceeds generated from that very first card helped the VSGA allocate $4,000 worth of scholarship money to three individuals in 1985. As the VIP Golf Card celebrates 35 years of existence in 2019, we want to hear from past scholarship recipients. What impact did receiving a scholar- ship make in your life? Additionally, the VSGA is interested in a potential future gathering of past scholarship recipients. Please connect with Tripp Sheppard at the VSGA office at [email protected] or (804) 378-2300 for more information. Hannah Sowers, shown with Scholarship Foundation president Michael Millen and board member Lindsay Wortham, was a scholarship recipient in 2018. M A R C H / A P R I L 2 0 19 | V I R G I N I A G O L F E R 5