Virginia Golfer Mar / Apr 2018 | Page 30

Golf Course Canines

“ When the dogs are in the cart with you and you go up to someone who is not having a good day it helps break the tension and makes it easier to have a conversation.”

— Christian Sain
At work, Ruby helps with geese and is very“ watchful of squirrels,” he says.“ She operates most of the day running around looking for squirrels and she occasionally chases a goose.”
He got Ruby when she was a puppy and he is still training her.“ With Ruby it’ s a work in progress,” he says.“ She’ s very smart but stubborn. Chasing prey is a pretty natural instinct so I still put the leash on her in the cart. If something more interesting came by, she would probably leave.”
Ruby is great on walks around the course and her popularity is rising.
“ She is starting to become more asked about than me by the members,” Wilmans says.“ She rides with me most of the time and they will see her chasing geese. She also has propensity to chase golf balls when they are moving. That is why I keep her leashed.”
DOG: Ryder, 12, and Luna, 3, border collies OWNER: Christian Sain, director of golf and grounds maintenance, The Country Club of Virginia, Richmond
Ryder and Luna both belong to the CCV but they go home with Sain at night and on weekends.“ Ryder can’ t get around as well now so we got Luna to take over that
responsibility,” he says.“ Both are employees of CCV and both did come trained to recognize geese and get in the water.”
The dogs run beside Sain’ s cart when he’ s driving around the course.“ We go looking for geese,” he says.“ Border collies have a lot of energy. They want to be doing something. They are not good at being idle.”
Ryder and Luna have been effective with geese and will herd anything that moves.“ They will even try to herd our staff coming down the hall,” Sain says.
The dogs are also good ambassadors for the club.“ Our members might not know my name but they know the names of the dogs. When the dogs are in the cart with you and you go up to someone who is not having a good day it helps break the tension and makes it easier to have a conversation,” Sain says.
Each dog has its own personality. Ryder is all about business.“ He’ s not about small talk or socializing,” Sain says.“ Luna is the life of the party. She wants to be loved.”
28 V IRGINIA G OLFER | M ARCH / A PRIL 2018 vsga. org