Virginia Golfer Mar / Apr 2018 | Page 14

( atc ) The Rules 4 Things to Know on the Teeing Ground by AMANDA BRAUN First off, it is important to know where you are permitted to play the ball from within the teeing ground. While many golf courses have large areas that are maintained for potential teeing ground locations, the rules do not permit you to pick just any spot behind the tee markers to tee off. The Rules of Golf defines the teeing ground as a rectangular area two club-lengths in depth, the front and the sides of which are defined by the outside limit of two tee-markers. Only a part of the ball needs to be within the teeing ground, and a player may stand completely outside the teeing ground to play the ball. 1 12 Another special thing about the teeing ground: Players may create or eliminate irregularities of surface to give themselves the best lie possible. Players may play the ball off the ground, tee the ball up on a conforming tee, or use a natural-made tee. Laura Davies is one golfer who comes to mind when talking about natural-made tees. She uses a club to create a pile of grass and dirt and uses that as the tee for her ball. Also unique to th is part of the course, players are able to remove loose impediments as well as dew, frost, or water from anywhere within the teeing ground. 2 V I R G I N I A G O L F E R | M A R C H / A P R I L 2 0 1 8 Players must be certain they are playing from the correct teeing ground. If someone isn’t paying attention, they could easily tee off from the wrong place and would need to know how to correct the mistake in order to avoid disqualification. In stroke play, the player receives a two-stroke penalty and must play a ball from within the correct teeing ground. The player must rectify the mistake before making a stroke from the next teeing ground or, if on the last hole of the round, must declare their intention to correct the mistake before leaving the putting green. If the mistake is not corrected within this time frame, the player is disqualified. Match play is a little simpler: If a player tees off from outside the teeing ground, there is no penalty. However, the opponent may require the player to cancel the stroke and play a ball from within the teeing ground. 3 SPRING IS IN THE AIR, and for most, this marks the beginning of golf season. It only seems fitting to discuss the area where play begins on each hole: the teeing ground. Most courses have several sets of tees to accommodate different types of golfers. But no matter which set you choose to play from, there are some important things to keep in mind.