Benefits of VSGA Membership
Membership Means More Than A USGA Approved Handicap Index
501 ( c )( 4 ) non-profit association ; arm of the USGA Men ’ s , Women ’ s and Junior Championships VSGA Player Rankings System for men , women & juniors More than 100 one-day events for casual golfers throughout the Commonwealth VSGA VIP Golf Card Program Junior Golf Circuit events & championships USGA course rating & measuring services Rules of Golf & Handicap consultation / seminars Handicap Index / computation services VSGA-VIP Scholarship Foundation ; a qualified charitable 501 ( c )( 3 ) organization supporting college scholarships Bi-monthly Virginia Golfer magazine subscription ; Annual VSGA Member Club Directory Complimentary one-year subscription to Golf Digest magazine VSGA Clubhouse weekly e-newsletter MyVSGA Mobile App Promotes golf and member clubs through print / digital communications ( including VSGA . org ) Advertising opportunities ( special member club pricing ) Volunteer opportunities Hole-In-One Certificates and bag tags Supports allied organizations ( MAPGA , VGCSA , CMAA , NGCOA and others ) Stays abreast of legislative & agronomic issues behind the scenes Virginia Golf Hall of Fame ; a qualified charitable 501 ( c )( 3 ) organization recognizing the history of golf in Virginia Tournament operations software Customer service & tech support Scoreboard printing service
Individual Benefit Member Club Benefit
Four ways to join the VSGA Join a VSGA Member Golf Course
Nearly 300 golf courses ( private , semi-private , public military & resort ) dot the Virginia landscape . The cost of obtaining a VSGA membership , including a Handicap index , varies from club to club . Contact your local club for more information .
Join an Online eClub
( VIP Golf Card Purchase Included )
The VSGA has established 11 online eClubs located throughout Virginia . To participate , a golfer must live within approximately 50 miles of one of the following hubs : Alexandria , Bristol , Charlottesville , Danville , Fredericksburg , Harrisonburg , Lynchburg , Richmond , Roanoke , Virginia Beach & Williamsburg . Included with an eClub membership is a Supporter Level VIP Golf Card which is valid from January 1 – December 31 of the current year . The cost is $ 99 .
Form or Join a Recreational Golfers ’ Club
Any group of 10 individuals can start their own VSGA member club . Annual club dues are $ 50 and the annual per-member fee is $ 22 . That ’ s only $ 270 for the first 10 golfers . ( Memberships expire annually on December 31st and do not include a VIP Golf Card .)
Join the VSGA Junior Golf Circuit
( ages 18 and younger ; boys and girls )
The VSGA Junior Golf Circuit offers 9-hole events for beginners , along with 18- and 36-hole tournaments that cater to the intermediate to advanced golfer . The VSGA Junior Golf Circuit also offers junior championships and a player rankings system for both boys and girls .
Visit VSGA . org for additional information , and get started today !
( 804 ) 378-2300 VSGA . org