Virginia Golfer July / August 2023 | Page 3

Vol . 41 , No . 4 July / August 2023
Virginia Golfer is the official publication of the Virginia State Golf Association , a 501 ( c )( 3 ) non-profit organization serving golfers in Virginia .
VSGA Officers
PRESIDENT : Anne Greever , Willow Oaks CC VICE PRESIDENT : Brian Maloney , Springfield G & CC SECRETARY / TREASURER : Craig Groenendaal , VSGA eClub IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT : Gary Beck , Princess Anne CC BOARD MEMBERS : Somsak Chivavibul , River Bend Club ; Mark Cote , Pete Dye River Course of Virginia Tech ; Katie Cox , Spotswood CC ; James Gallagher , Eaglewood GC ; Glenn Gray , Lakeside Park Club ; Lauren Greenlief , International CC ; Duncan Hardcastle , Magnolia Green GC ; Vernon E . Inge , The Federal Club ; Mark Raper , Willow Oaks CC ; Cameron Robinett , Cedar Point Club ; William Saunders , RVA9 GC ; Kristin Shifflett , Fawn Lake CC ; Stephen Whitfield , Bayville GC ; Bert Wilson , Lakeside Park Club .
VSGA Staff | Matt Smiley , executive director ; Kate Benicase , administrative and marketing assistant ; Amanda Braun , assistant director , championships and golf operations ; Josh Coates , director , championships and golf operations ; Karen Enders , accounting assistant ; Courtney Hamlett , director , member programs and VIP card ; Kent Holubar , assistant director , championships and golf operations ; Amanda Kelley , manager , championships and golf operations ; Chris Lang , manager , media and communications ; Tim Murphy , manager , championships and golf operations ; Kirsten Roberts , administrator , member programs and VIP
Card ; Erin Strickler , manager , marketing and outreach ; Karyn Tancredi , director , finance and administration ; Michael Walder , director , handicapping and member services ; Brian Wright , manager , course rating and member services ; P . J . Boatwright interns : Abby All , Emily Erickson , Caleb McCall , Drew Thornton ; One-Day coordinators : Todd Dalton and Dennis Egan ; VSGA Junior Golf Circuit coordinators : Ed Gill , Peter Hamm ; Michelle Holmes , LPGA ; Sam Jung .
VSGA Web Marketing and New Media | Kenmont Group
Editorial Staff : EDITOR : Chris Lang INSTRUCTION EDITOR : Josh Apple , PGA VSGA MARKETING , COMMUNICATIONS AND TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE : Mark Raper ( Chair ), Glenn Gray ( Vice Chair ), Lauren Greenlief , Duncan Hardcastle , Will Saunders .
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS : Doug Doughty , Jim Ducibella , Scott Kramer , Chris Lang , Lisa D . Mickey , Daniel Neben , David Partridge , Dave Pond , Leonard Shapiro , Michael J . Stott , Arthur Utley .
Virginia Golfer
Touchpoint Media Inc . Phone : ( 800 ) 597-5656 Fax : ( 763 ) 595-0016
CEO : Laura McEwen CHAIRMAN : Steve Farbman PRESIDENT : James McEwen
MINNESOTA OFFICE : 1601 Utica Avenue South , Suite 110 Minneapolis , MN 55416 PHONE : ( 763 ) 595-0808 FAX : ( 763 ) 595-0016 E-MAIL : info @ touchpointmedia . com WEBSITE : touchpointmedia . com
EDITORS : Emily Sizen Jake Weyer
ART DIRECTORS : Mike DeArmond Brandon Favre
DESIGNERS : Taylor McCumber Theresa Shim
Samantha Cady
ADVERTISING OFFICE : Ned Frey ( 757 ) 259-5907
Virginia Golfer ( ISSN # 1094-3021 ) is published six times annually ( bimonthly ) by the Virginia State Golf Association , located at 2400 Dovercourt Drive Midlothian , VA 23113 . Periodical postage paid at Midlothian , VA , and additional mailing offices .
POSTMASTER : Send address changes to : Virginia Golfer 2400 Dovercourt Drive Midlothian , VA 23113 Phone : ( 804 ) 378-2300 Fax : ( 804 ) 378-2369 Website : vsga . org E-mail : contact @ vsga . org
Virginia Golfer is supported by members ’ dues , utilizing $ 6 per member per year . Subscription : Regular U . S . subscription is six times annually for individual VSGA members and VSGA member clubs . Single copies of Virginia Golfer are available for $ 2.95 per copy , plus shipping .
The opinions and views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the VSGA , the publisher or its advertisers . The advertising space provided in Virginia Golfer is purchased and paid for by the advertiser . None of the products or services are necessarily endorsed by the VSGA or its affiliates .
VIP cardholder fees paid to the VSGA are not fully tax-deductible . Fourteen percent is paid directly to the VSGA- VIP Scholarship Foundation , which is a qualified charitable 501 ( c ) ( 3 ) organization . Consult your tax advisor for further information .
vsga . org J ULY / A UGUST 2023 | V IRGINIA G OLFER 1