Virginia Golfer July / August 2022 | Page 16



Knowing where to play your ball on the green can save you grief — and penalty strokes | by CHRIS LANG

the Spot

On one of the windiest days in recent memory at TPC Sawgrass in March , Keegan Bradley ran into a tricky rules situation .

On the 16th green , Bradley leaned down to mark his ball with a coin . But before he could lift his ball , a gust of wind moved it . No big deal , right ? Rule 13 in the Rules of Golf deals with putting greens , and Rule ( 13.1 ( d ) 2 ) deals with this exact situation , a ball on the putting green moved by natural forces .
Bradley lifted his ball , cleaned it , replaced it in front of his ball-marker and putted . Later , the situation came to the attention of a Rules official , and Bradley was hit with a two-stroke penalty for playing from a wrong place .
Ouch .
The Rule in question is as follows : When to Replace Ball Moved by Natural Forces . If natural forces cause a player ’ s ball on the putting green to move , where the player must play from next depends on whether the ball had already been lifted and replaced to its original spot .
• Ball Already Lifted and Replaced . The ball must be replaced on its original spot ( which if not known must be estimated ) ( see Rule 14.2 ), even though it was moved by natural forces and not by the player , the opponent or an outside influence ( see Rule 9.3 Exception ).
• Ball Not Already Lifted and Replaced . The ball must be played from its new spot ( see Rule 9.3 ). Marking your ball is not enough to “ own the spot ” where it lies on the green . That
spot is not secured until you have lifted the ball .
Bradley wasn ’ t the only one who was unaware of the obscure rule . He was playing that day with Andrew Putnam and Cameron Young , and neither said anything to him when he putted from the original spot .
“ I looked at the guys in my group , and we all said , yep , the coin was down first , all good ,” he told Golf . com afterward .
When Rules situations arise on professional tours , they can be teaching moments for the everyday golfer . That particular situation was a topic of discussion in the spring when the VSGA and MAPGA hosted a half-day Rules of Golf seminar at The Federal Club .
It ’ s easy to see why even professional golfers could be confused by the rule . Con-
14 V IRGINIA G OLFER | J ULY / A UGUST 2022 vsga . org