Learning from home has become the norm over the last year . However , the internet can be overwhelming . There is so much golf instruction content online ! It ’ s easy to go down the rabbit hole on one topic and come out the other end more confused than when you started and totally off-topic . Yup , we have all been there . I would like to help you navigate “ golf tips land ” better since I see both sides of it very clearly . I am a golf teaching professional and content creator , so I understand this world from the perspective of tip-maker and the golf consumer . I will point you in the direction of some quality accounts to follow and provide some strategies to get the most out of virtual instruction .
Before you Google anything , know this : Not every golf tip on the internet is for you . You may like a certain coach but know that they are producing regular content frequently on a variety of topics for a diverse audience . It may be a slice tip this week and a hook fix next week . So , which one do you need ? And does the information really apply to you ?
Here is an example . Let ’ s say your shots are leaking right . You assume you are “ slicing ” so you look up that term online , but are you pull-slicing , push-slicing ( yes , they are different ) or do you have a simple setup fault ( poor aim , ball position , etc .)? You can see how this can go terribly wrong .
Just like with your health , it is important to take the right “ medicine ” to cure your ailment or you won ’ t get better ( you might actually make things worse ). A proper diagnosis is essential and should come from a licensed physician , and in golf that is a certified experienced golf professional . Too often I see golfers self-diagnosing incorrectly or treating the symptoms and not the root cause of their problems and wasting time working on the wrong things .
Invest in at least one in-person lesson or even a virtual / video swing analysis that can give you an overview of where your focus should be . Then , return to the internet and search those terms to better filter the right tips that apply to your swing and skill . Search pga . org or golfdigest . com for the best coaches in your area . Or check out these online lesson platforms :
vsga . org J ULY / A UGUST 2021 | V IRGINIA G OLFER 29