Virginia Golfer Jul / Aug 2020 | Page 17

Around The Commonwealth Charlie Kennedy and Ben Cooper made for a good team at last year's Virginias- Carolinas Junior Boys' Matches, winning twice. Kennedy also won his singles match and finished 3-0 in the event. CK: Andrew’s run at the State Am that year was fun to be a part of as his caddie. It motivated me to continue to focus on getting better in hopes of being in the same position. VG: Obviously, the coronavirus situation threw everyone’s world into chaos this spring. What have you done to keep your game sharp and ready for high-level competition when events resume this summer? CK: I have been able to practice more than ever because of COVID-19 with schools being shut down. Also, right before the outbreak I had been working out with Adams Performance preparing my body for the spring and summer golf season. I look forward to the friendships I will make with my teammates for those next four years as well as working with coach Ball and assistant coach (Cody) Proveaux. I am very excited about competing at the Division I level to see how I match up to the competition. VG: Are you concerned at all that the pandemic and the resulting financial stress schools are facing may affect your chance to play college golf? CK: I am concerned about the effect on college sports the pandemic will have on the future. But I feel confident that the VCU program will survive because of the strength of their program. VG: What are some fun things you like to do aside from playing golf? CK: I really like to play basketball, video games with my friends, and fishing. VG: Did you binge watch any good TV shows while stuck inside during the spring? CK: I watched a lot of Star Wars and Marvel movies during the spring and I also enjoyed The Last Dance on ESPN. VG: What are your goals for this summer and your final year of high school golf at Godwin? CK: My goals for this year are to win a VSGA championship, play on both junior VSGA teams (Virginias-Carolinas and Mid-Atlantic Junior), and win the high school state tournament. CHRIS LANG (2) VG: And just as a student, how difficult was the transition to online learning once schools shut down for the year? CK: It was a very strange transition going to online school once they cancelled school, because it all came just so quickly and everyone was unprepared for this. VG: You committed to VCU before all of this started. What excites you about the Rams’ program? CK: I’m very excited to be a part of the VCU family starting in 2021. I have been very impressed with the VCU program and what coach (Matt) Ball has created there. “My biggest improvement during that whole year was raising my confidence level so I never counted myself out during competition.” —Charlie Kennedy J ULY/A UGUST 2020 | V IRGINIA G OLFER 15