Virginia Golfer Jul / Aug 2020 | Page 14

( at c ) Member Clubs SAFETY FIRST Carmen and Laurel Hill golfers got a firsthand look at what a cloud-to-ground lightning strike can do to turf in mid-June 2019. Fortunately, the strike occurred during the night or early morning. See the accompanying photo for what the strike did to the 10th tee. Laurel Hill is one of five golf courses run by the Fairfax County Park Authority. In addition to using radar and weather apps, Carmen says he gets weather updates from the county if storms are predicted. While Cedar Point deals with how weather systems act because of its proximity to bodies of water, Blacksburg Country Club has to deal with the vagaries of mountain golf. Blacksburg has used a Weather Sentry DTN system for more than 10 years. The system can show a radius of 8 miles and 15 miles. “Where we are located it can look really bad especially when it comes from the northwest…where Giles County is getting hammered then it will break up when it hits those mountains,” says Brad Ewing, PGA head professional at Blacksburg CC. “When it comes more from the Southwest, we get that 100 percent of the time. We use that 8-mile radius as our guide. “Safety is the No. 1 reason we invested in this. Back in the day when we first got it, you literally had to pull some [members] off the golf course, but now they are pretty much trained. When we hit that siren [on-course manual speaker notification system], they’re out of there.” The VSGA “tries to use all available resources, including computer monitoring systems, weather apps on our phone when we are outside and local knowledge from the host golf professionals and golf course superintendents,” Coates says. “We have had the best success using applications that show what is actually happening, such as Doppler radar.” For all junior events and others that require walking, the VSGA has to make sure it has the ability to get everyone off the golf course safely if there is severe weather. “If it’s about player safety, it’s better to lean on the side of caution,” Coates says. “Most times, if you trust your gut instinct, ABOVE: In addition to using radar and weather apps, Laurel Hill receives weather updates from Fairfax County if storms are predicted. BELOW: A look at the dashboard for the Weather Sentry DTN system used at Blacksburg Country Club. that usually leads you to the right decision, but Mother Nature can humble you really quickly.” So who is the most successful forecaster on the VSGA staff? “We all have our moments of being the best forecasters, but [media and communications manager] Chris [Lang] has really developed his skills over the last few years of working with us on-site at events,” Coates says. “He’s even taken it a step further. While in the office, sometimes he’ll brief the staff on the best times to go out for lunch breaks.” 12 V IRGINIA G OLFER | J ULY/A UGUST 2020