and causes it to oscillate before coming
to rest on the spot where it originally
lay. What is the ruling?
A. There is no penalty.
B. There is a penalty of one stroke.
C. There is a penalty of two strokes.
A player’s ball lies in a bun-
ker. The player makes a
stroke and the ball is deflect-
ed by the bunker lip coming
to rest on his or her golf bag outside the
bunker. What is the ruling?
A. There is no penalty; the ball may be
played as it lies on the golf bag or the play-
er may take free relief under the movable
obstruction Rule (15.2a(2)).
B. There is no penalty; the player must
not play the ball as it lies on the golf bag.
The player must take free relief under
the movable obstruction Rule (15.2a(2)).
C. There is penalty of one stroke; the player
must not play the ball as it lies on the golf
bag. The player must take free relief under
the movable obstruction Rule (15.2a(2)).
In match play, which of the
following is false?
A. If the opponent knew that the player
had a penalty, such as when seeing the
player obviously take relief under penalty,
there is no penalty for the player failing to
tell the opponent about it.
B. If the player makes a timely request for
a ruling, and it is found that the opponent
gave the wrong number of strokes taken,
the wrong match score must be corrected.
C. If the player gives the wrong number of
strokes taken after a hole has been com-
pleted and this affects the opponent’s
understanding of whether the hole was
won or lost, there is no penalty.
Which is false regarding a
player telling an opponent
about the number of strokes
taken in match play?
A. When asked by the opponent for the
number of strokes taken, the player must
give the right number of strokes taken.
B. A player who fails to respond to the
opponent’s request is treated as giving the
wrong number of strokes taken.
C. If the player gives the wrong number
of strokes taken after a hole is completed
that does not affect the opponent’s under-
standing of whether the hole was won or
lost, there is a penalty.
In match play between A
and B, during play of the
10th hole, A—whose turn it
is to play—suggests to B that B play first
to save time because A must return to
the 9th putting green to recover his or
her wedge that he or she had left there.
What is the ruling?
A. There is no penalty; such a procedure is
allowed in these circumstances.
B. Both players must be disqualified for
agreeing to ignore the Rules.
C. Although the players are subject to
disqualification for agreeing to ignore the
Rules, the Committee would be justified in
waiving the penalty.
Which of the following is
false in match play?
A. Conceding the next stroke is allowed
any time before the opponent’s next stroke
is made.
B. Conceding a hole is allowed any time
before the completion of the hole, but not
before the players start the hole.
C. Conceding a match is allowed any
time before the match is decided. This
includes the time before the players start
the match.
Head to to take the
2019 Virginia Golfer Rules of Golf
quiz. Top finishers will be recog-
nized in the September-October
issue of Virginia Golfer magazine.
When a ball lands in a strange
spot, like on top of your bag,
must you take relief? Or can
you play it as it lies?
J U LY / A U G U ST 2 0 19 | V I R G I N I A G O L F E R