T he heart of the Virginia State Golf Association is its member clubs , and when it comes to golf in the Commonwealth , there ’ s plenty of variety . From mountain golf at clubs along the Blue Ridge Mountains to relaxing rounds along the Chesapeake Bay on Virginia ’ s
Eastern Shore , golfers in Virginia can find plenty of variety .
The Virginia State Golf Association comprises more than 300 member clubs , including green-grass facilities and social golf groups . In the coming pages , you ’ ll find a listing of those clubs , including key information on how to find and connect with those clubs , either over the phone , online , or through social media .
Many of these clubs are part of the VSGA ’ s VIP Golf Card Program that supports the VSGA-VIP Scholarship Foundation , which over the last 39 years has awarded over $ 2.8 million to more than 1,100 students , all of whom share an interest in golf . For more information on the VIP Golf Card Program or to purchase a 2024 VSGA VIP Golf Card , visit vsga . org or download the MyVSGA app for iPhone or Android .
1757 GOLF CLUB 45120 Waxpool Road , Dulles , 20166 ( 703 ) 444-0901 | 1757golfclub . com Social : @ 1757golfclub Section : Northern Virginia West Management Group : Heritage Golf Group Private | 18 holes | Par 70 Grass : Bentgrass ( tees , fairways and greens ) Architect : David Heatwole Year Opened : 2009
AEROPINES GOLF CLUB ( Oceana ) 1001 G Avenue Bldg . 581 , NAS Oceana , Virginia Beach , 23460 ( 757 ) 433-2866 | navylifema . com / recreation / golf Social : @ navylifema Section : Virginia Beach Military | 36 holes ( Hornet and Tomcat courses ) | Par 72 Grass : 419 bermudagrass ( tees and fairways ), bentgrass ( greens ) Architect : Numerous . Jerry Pate redesigned the courses and Tom Clark added 14 holes new holes in 1996 . Year Opened : 1948
vsga . org J ANUARY / F EBRUARY 2024 | V IRGINIA G OLFER 43