Virginia ’ s Military Courses
» Aeropines Golf Club : Naval Air Station Oceana , 36 holes » Cardinal Golf Club at Fort Gregg-Adams : 27 holes » Eagle Haven Golf Course : Little Creek , 18 holes » Eaglewood Golf Course : Langley AFB , 18 holes » Fort Belvoir Golf Club : Fort Belvoir , 36 holes » Medal of Honor Golf Course : Quantico , 18 holes » The Pines Golf Course Fort Eustis : 27 holes » Sewells Point Golf Course : Norfolk , 18 holes
VSGA Military Engagement Group Members Josh Coates ( VSGA staff , Richmond ) Jim Gallagher ( VSGA Board Member , Yorktown ) Anne Greever ( VSGA President , Richmond ) Duncan Hardcastle ( VSGA Board Member , Richmond ) Marianne Lynch ( VSGA Event Participant , Virginia Beach ) Tyler Schaff ( VSGA Independent Contractor , Keswick ) Matt Smiley ( VSGA Executive Director , Richmond ) Erin Strickler ( VSGA Staff , Richmond )
We wanted to ask them how can we serve you better .”
Schaff ’ s title is Military Outreach Coordinator , and he had the support of a steering committee known as the Military Engagement Group ( MEG ).
Schaff first focused on in-person communication with all the military installations that had golf courses . He went to each base course ’ s range and gathered information from members , retirees , juniors , active duty and club managers and pros .
Then , using the feedback Schaff obtained , he , Coates and the MEG did some collective brainstorming .
A comment made by Greever resonated with Schaff : “ We ’ re not here to invent things . We ’ re not here to make up programs . We ’ re here to explore if there are some gaps out there where we can help out with our strategic goal and better connecting with the military in Virginia .”
“ We ’ re not asking anybody for anything we ’ re just trying to give ,” Schaff said .
Fort Belvoir
Cardinal Golf Club
“ I am excited about all components of this initiative because they collectively are aimed at increasing our interaction and strengthening our engagement with the Virginia golf community .”
— Duncan Hardcastle , retired military and member of the VSGA board and MEG
A New Scholarship
The first fruits of their labor tapped into a VSGA strength — the creation of a Military Scholarship that will be presented to a high school senior in May in conjunction with the VSGA-VIP Scholarship Foundation awards for the 2023-24 academic year .
The Scholarship Foundation has awarded more than $ 2.8 million to more than 1,100 students since its beginning in 1984 .
“ Virginia is home to thousands of active duty and retired military members and their families , and this scholarship is just one of many ways we hope to enhance the VSGA ’ s services to the golfers among them ,” Greever said when the scholarship was announced last September .
The VSGA will cover the initial funding for the Military Scholarship while the Foundation seeks individual and corporate donors to fund the scholarship in the future .
To be eligible for the Military Scholarship , students must be dependents of active-duty or retired members of the military . As for all Foundation scholarships , military applicants must be high school seniors who live in Virginia , have an interest or connection to golf , and plan to enroll in an undergraduate program .
Academics , extracurricular activities , golf involvement , need / impact of the scholarship and the impact golf has had on their life as a military child are factors for determining recipients from the pool of eligible candidates .
In addition to the scholarship , the VSGA is the first association in the U . S . to roll out the Youth on Course Stars & Stripes Club with complimentary memberships for military dependents .
“ I am excited about all components of this initiative because they collectively are aimed at increasing our interaction and strengthening our engagement with the Virginia golf community ,” says Duncan
20 V IRGINIA G OLFER | J ANUARY / F EBRUARY 2024 vsga . org