The World Handicap System™ — Revised
By Terry Benjamin , USGA Graphics Courtesy of the USGA
Four years ago , the World Handicap System™ — which brought six different handicap systems together into a single set of Rules of Handicapping™ — made its debut . Much like the Rules of Golf , the WHS™ was designed to be revised every four years . In November 2023 , the USGA and R & A announced the first update to the WHS , which went into effect on January 1 , 2024 .
The WHS™ is based upon three key principles : Be inclusive , provide a consistent measure of ability , and remain modern .
So , what ’ s different in the first WHS™ revision ? There are three key changes of which golfers should be aware .
A LOWER MINIMUM LENGTH FOR A GOLF COURSE TO OBTAIN A COURSE RATING™ AND SLOPE RATING™ Prior to the revision , an 18-hole course had to be at least 3,000 yards to receive a Course Rating and Slope Rating ( or 1,500 yards for 9 holes ). The yardage requirements will be cut in half , to 1,500 and 750 yards , respectively . This is good
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