Virginia Golfer January / February 2015 | Page 22

VSGA Golfers of the Year VSGA SENIOR WOMEN’S GOLFER OF THE YEAR 2014 ACCOMPLISHMENTS ➤ Led all point-earners in the VSGA women’s player rankings in the senior category. ➤ Her season was highlighted by winning the VSGA Senior Women’s Stroke Play Championship in a playoff, before going on to outduel opponent Boodie McGurn to claim the VSGA Senior Women’s Amateur Championship at The Homestead in August. ➤ With the two triumphs, Hoffman became the second golfer to ever hold both titles in the same rotation (Shelley Savage of Alexandria claimed both events in 2005). Hoffman collected her third victory at the Senior Women’s Amateur, adding to her wins in 2006 and 2011. ➤ Won the Women’s District of Columbia Golf Association Senior Amateur Championship. ➤ Team playing captain on the Virginias team at the annual Virginias-Carolinas Women’s Team Matches. Northern Virginian Mimi Hoffman claimed both of the senior major women’s events that the VSGA conducts. QUICK TIP Hoffman relied on excellent wedge play, particularly from the 50- to 70-yard range, in winning the Senior Women’s Amateur. She encourages golfers to engage in an informationgathering process while practicing with their short irons and scoring clubs. “I worked a lot on shorter shots,” says Hoffman, who relied on TrackMan technology (gathers data regarding one’s carry and roll distance as well as ball flight tendencies) to get a gauge of her distance control. “It’s really important to know your distances and how to swing to hit that shot a particular distance. I know how far each of my wedges with different lengths of swing. I know right here––a belt buckle high swing with a lofted wedge is a 30-yard shot for me. It all comes down to practicing with those clubs. If you can zoom in on your distances, it’s a definite stroke-saver.” 20 IN HER OWN WORDS Hoffman’s story is one of determination and a persevering spirit. She had spinal fusion surgery in October 2013 and two weeks later in early November, Hoffman underwent ankle joint replacement surgery. She faced three months of rigorous rehabilitation but the effects have ultimately been transformative, particularly given her outstanding play in 2014. Hoffman credits PGA/LPGA professional Joy Bonhurst of Gaithersburg, Md., and Steve Danielson, the head PGA professional at her home club, Belle Haven Country Club, who’ve helped refine her swing. Hoffman and Bonhurst used both TrackMan and K-Vest technology to target areas for improvement. “Before the season started, we worked indoors on getting my fundamentals in line,” Hoffman says. With my bad ankle and bad back, I developed some very bad V IRGINIA G OLFER | J ANUARY/F EBRUARY 2015 15_VSGA_GOY.JanFeb15.indd 20 habits. As my body got stronger over the course of the year, my swing got better. Developing a more precise swing made me more consistent.” In reflecting on the 2014 campaign, Hoffman admits the season was one that would make a Hollywood scriptwriter envious. “Looking back on the year, I think, ‘That was just an amazing, wonderful—magical is the word that I use—that probably won’t ever happen again,’ ” Hoffman says. “We have such a great group of senior women’s amateurs in Virginia. It’s really nose and nose when you’re out there competing against them. To come out a fraction ahead made it a great year.” OFF THE COURSE Hoffman is a program manager for Boeing Co., and has been an employee of the company for 30-plus years. w w w. v s g a . o r g 1/22/15 12:29 PM PHOTO CREDIT HERE HOMETOWN: Springfield, Va HOME CLUB: Belle Haven Country Club, Alexandria, Va. THIS PAGE: STEVEN GIBBONS/USGA PHOTO ARCHIVES; OPPOSITE BOTTOM: MARK GORMUS/RICHMOND TIMES-DISPATCH PHOTO ARCHIVES; OPPOSITE TOP: CHRISTIAN MOODY Mimi Hoffman