Virginia Golfer Jan / Feb 2023 | Page 8

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Opening Drive

New Year Brings Great Opportunity

I ’ VE NEVER BEEN ONE TO PUT MUCH CREDENCE IN RESOLUTIONS . January 1 seems like an arbitrary date to make major life changes , ones that tend not to hold much past the end of the year ’ s first month anyway , judging by the way the gym empties back out by early February .
But the turn of the calendar affords us an opportunity to look forward . At the VSGA , we ’ re looking at 2023 as a year of great opportunity to continue to grow the way we serve golfers and member clubs in Virginia .
If you ’ re one of the keen-eyed readers who check out the masthead of this magazine each issue , you may have noticed several new names appearing in the VSGA staff section when you checked out your December issue . We operated somewhat short-staffed for much of 2022 , and we ’ re excited to have a full complement of professionals on board as we head into 2023 . Late in 2022 , we welcomed four new employees . Erin Strickler joins as Manager , Marketing and Outreach and will play a big role in our social media presentation , outward association marketing and face-to-face communication with member clubs . She previously held a marketing role at VCU . On the member services side , Brian Wright joins staff as Manager , Course Rating and Member Services . Previously a civil engineer , Wright helps fill the void left by retired contract VSGA course rating coordinator Tony Caggiano in this newly created full-time position .
Karyn Tancredi joins the staff as Director , Finance and Administration and she ’ ll bring fresh ideas from her time at the William and Mary Foundation . On the competitions side , Amanda Kelley , who played college golf at Bridgewater , joined as Manager , Championships and Golf Operations .
Additionally , three longtime staffers received deserved promotions — Amanda Braun and Kent Holubar have each earned the title of Assistant Director , Championships and Golf Operations . And late last year , longtime competitions staffer Courtney Hamlett made to move to Director , Member Programs and VIP Card , where she fills the role the retired Tripp Sheppard held .
There are other reasons to be excited about the new year . In June , the VSGA and MAPGA will run the first Women ’ s Open of Virginia , a 54-hole event featuring both amateurs and professionals . That ’ s opened the door to move the remaining Women ’ s Stroke Play championships to the fall , and that event will feature a new division for mid-amateur competitors . There was demand for a super senior division at the popular Multi-Format Team Championship , so we ’ ve created a new event for the seniors and super seniors in the fall . The regular Multi-Format will continue to be played in the spring .
We ’ re prepping for an exciting year at the VGSA , and we ’ re glad you ’ re aboard for the ride . As always , my inbox is open for story ideas !
Chris Lang , Editor clang @ vsga . org
At the VSGA we ’ re looking at 2023 as a year of great opportunity to continue to grow the way we serve golfers and member clubs in Virginia .
VSGA 2022 Service Award Winners cont ’ d ...
Mike Wise , center , died in December 2022 after a battle with cancer . He ' ll be a posthumous recipient of the VSGA ' s Service to Golf Award .
Cronin , a member at Army Navy Country Club , is a longtime Rules official who has volunteered a significant amount of time to multiple associations . She ’ s a key figure on course at VSGA championships held in northern Virginia . She has also volunteered with the USGA , Middle Atlantic Golf Association , Washington Metropolitan Golf Association and the Women ’ s District of Columbia Golf Association .
Wise , who served from 2005-19 on the VSGA Board of Directors , died at age 72 on Dec . 5 , 2022 after a battle with cancer . Wise served as CFO of Delta Dental of Virginia for 20 years before his retirement in 2015 . A member at both Ballyhack Golf Club and Roanoke Country Club , Wise had a significant philanthropic impact on golf in the area , most notably through his work with The First Tee of Roanoke Valley . Wise was a founder of the Delta Dental Pro-Am for Kids and served on the boards of numerous non-profit entities in the Roanoke Valley .
Bob Horner of Brandermill Country Club will receive the Volunteer of the Year Award . Horner is a well-respected and knowledgeable Rules official who worked
6 V IRGINIA G OLFER | J ANUARY / F EBRUARY 2023 vsga . org