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Spotlighting the
next generation of
Virginia golfers
A look at the VSGA
members competing
in Division I
TOP SCORER: Among the VSGA mem-
bers playing Division I golf, no one had
a stronger fall—scoring-wise—than Old
Dominion’s Carter Morgan, a member at
Hobbs Hole Golf Course. Morgan qualified
for the U.S. Amateur last summer, and that
confidence translated to his fall season. He
finished with a 70.9 scoring average over 12
rounds, and he led his team to the title at
the VCU Invitational at The Country Club
of Virginia. Morgan also won the individu-
al title there, paced by a 64, his low round
of the season.
Others who finished with scoring aver-
ages below 72 (minimum nine rounds) this
fall were George Mason’s Hayden Miller
(River Creek Club, 71.4); Radford’s Peter
Gasperini (Halifax CC, 71.5); Longwood’s
Brandon Weaver (Loudoun G&CC, 71.5);
Navy’s Charlie Musto (Trump National
Washington D.C., 71.6); Yale’s Teddy Zin-
V I R G I N I A G O L F E R | J A N UA R Y / F E B R UA R Y 2 0 2 0
Carter Morgan finished the fall with a 70.9 scoring
average over 12 rounds for Old Dominion.
sner (Belle Haven CC, 71.6); and Virginia
Tech’s Mark Lawrence Jr. (Independence
GC, 71.8).
LOW ROUNDS: Morgan wasn’t the only
one to go low in the fall. Miller, a freshman,
matched Morgan with a low round of 64.
Lawrence posted a 65 at the VCU Invita-
tional. Five players returned rounds of 66 in
fall events: Virginia Tech’s Connor Burgess
(Boonsboro CC); Gasperini; Old Dominion’s
Chandler Wilkins (Goodyear GC); Mary-
land’s Chris Lane (Reston National GC); and
Furman’s Ross Funderburke (Roanoke CC).
ies have quickly become staples in their
IN JANUARY, the world of college golf falls silent, save for the monotonous sessions at
indoor practice facilities or—for those lucky enough to experience great winter weath-
er—practice rounds on course on shortened days.
With the fall season in the rearview mirror, this is an excellent time to take a peek at
the VSGA members competing at the Division I level. Conference championships and
NCAA regionals will be here sooner than you think, so get to know the players with a
chance to make a splash on the national scene come spring.