Virginia Golfer Jan / Feb 2019 | Page 14

( atc ) Drop Properly, or Pay The Price The Rules 5 questions answered to comply with the new Rules by JOSH COATES In the last several issues of Virginia Golfer, many of golf’s new Rules, which are now in effect, were explained. Many of these new Rules are to your benefit if you know them, such as being able to move loose impediments on the entire course or being able to repair most damage to the putting green before you putt. If you don’t know these Rules, there is no penalty, but you may not take advantage of them. However, there are some changes that you must know in order to avoid penalties and one of them is the new procedure when dropping a ball. Let’s take a look at this procedure by answering a few questions: WHAT BALL DO YOU DROP? In the 2019 Rules of Golf, you may now use any ball each time you drop a ball, no matter if it is free relief or penalty relief. HOW DO YOU DROP A BALL? You must drop a ball in the right way, which means all three of these things: 12 1. During individual competitions, you must be the one who drops the ball. Neither your caddie nor anyone else may do so. During Foursomes and Four-Ball competitions, your partner may drop the ball as well. 2. You must let go of your ball from knee height so that it falls straight down, V I R G I N I A G O L F E R | J A N UA R Y / F E B R UA R Y 2 0 1 9 without using any motion that might affect where your ball will come to rest such as throwing, spinning or rolling it. “Knee height” means the height of your knee when in a standing position. Also, the ball must not touch any part of your body or equipment before it hits the ground. There is no prohibition to the ball touching you or your equipment after hitting the ground, as long as it was not deliberate (see Rule 14.3d). 3. There are no requirements on where you must stand, but the ball must be dropped in the relief area. If all three of these requirements are not met, you must drop your ball again