Virginia Golfer Jan / Feb 2018 | Page 20

“ But that ’ s the thing ; golf ’ s hard , so you never know if it ’ s going to happen . I feel like having that good balance with my great wife and kids made it a lot easier .”
VG : You ’ re a member at Bayville Golf Club in Virginia Beach , a gorgeous place . Do you get out there much when you ’ re home ? ML : Not enough . I love Bayville . It ’ s quiet . Obviously , the condition of the course is always as good as it gets . It ’ s a pretty special place .
VG : Speaking of special , having an all-grass chipping area out your back door is sweet . ML : It ’ s nice . I can actually hit up to 70 yards , over the pool in the middle . The house is on the right , so there ’ s a little bit of pressure there . If I hit one on the hosel , it ’ s going to do some damage .
VG : You ’ ve also got an indoor putting area ? ML : It ’ s a room over the garage that ’ s half gym , half putting . If I only want to practice for 30 minutes , I just go there . It ’ s really helped . Seeing putts go in , whether I ’ m upstairs or on the golf course , builds confidence , and my confidence was pretty high last year . If I left myself three or four feet coming back , I always felt like I was going to make it .
VG : You finished seventh in money at $ 5.8 million , your best year by more than $ 3 million . Does that number stagger you ? ML : As a kid , even as a young pro , I didn ’ t
imagine that ever happening , especially in one year . Tiger Woods really boosted ( purses ), obviously , and we ’ ve got great sponsors . But yeah , it takes your breath away a little bit . It ’ s nice to have that as a reward for a really good season , along with the two trophies .
VG : Did you suspect it all was about to come together for you ? ML : My game ’ s been trending in the right direction , it was just a matter of putting it all together . But that ’ s the thing ; golf ’ s hard , so you never know if it ’ s going to happen . I feel like having that good balance with my great wife and kids made it a lot easier .
VG : You went from 100th to 50th ( 67 percent ) in greens-in-regulation last year . Is that what triggered your consistency ? ML : Giving yourself more birdie opportunities helps , but it doesn ’ t necessarily come from iron play . I feel like the driver starts that , hitting approach shots from the fairway , and farther up the fairway . ( Note : Leishman averaged 295 yards and hit 58 percent of fairways .) Greens in regulation is almost irrelevant if you ’ re not close or putting from the right spots . I do feel like my putter was really amazing , especially on the weeks I won .
VG : Obviously , winning a major is your next breakthrough goal . Do you think the Open Championship gives you your best shot ? You ’ ve been top-10 three of the last four , including your playoff loss in 2015 . ML : Yeah , that ’ s probably the one that ’ s looking like it at the moment . I ’ ve never played Royal Birkdale ( site of the 2018 Open ), but I ’ m told it ’ s the toughest course in the Open rota . Narrow , long rough , wind — they ’ re all windy . But that ’ s what I grew up on , playing in the wind on firm , fast courses . I don ’ t have to think too much on those golf courses , it ’ s instinct . That ’ s the best way to play .
VG : Your Begin Again Foundation ( beginagainfoundation . com ) has established an impressive philanthropic presence in only two years . That must bring Audrey and you great satisfaction . ML : It ’ s a passion for both of us . Social work actually is what Audrey wanted to do before she fell into this life . Our Celebrity Classic event netted $ 225,000 last year . We ’ re making it two days ( May 6-7 at Bayville ) this year , dinner and an auction on Sunday and golf on Monday . We have actors , footballers , baseballers , golfers , a lot of people from different backgrounds come and support our cause . We hope it ’ ll be bigger and better and raise even more money .
18 V IRGINIA G OLFER | J ANUARY / F EBRUARY 2018 vsga . org