Greg Roberts. That’s some
key matchups. Street and I,
the two old guys, play Greg
and John. I’ve got to say, we
usually beat them. That’s
kind of the biggest matchup
around here.
NW: As busy as you’ve been,
do you even get a chance to
watch The Masters?
FB: Yeah, that’s the one tournament I do watch. Sunday,
I’ll watch that thing from the
beginning to the end, to be
honest with you. It’s so pretty and beautiful and having
played the course, you kind
of know the greens and know
the shots that they’ve got and
how they need to pull it off,
so that adds to it also. I really
enjoy watching The Masters.
That’s how I spend my Sunday afternoon.
NW: Do you have a favorite
golf memory? Maybe a favorite shot or round.
FB: Well, I’ve never had a
hole-in-one. I’ve come very
close. I tell you, this is probably the one shot I remem-
NW: I remember you telling me once about playing
Augusta National. How often
do you play there, and what
kind of experience is that?
FB: I’ve played there several times. You’ve just got to
get the invitation, and that’s
hard to come by. It’s such a
beautiful place. A great experience really.
J A N UA RY / F E B R UA RY 2 0 16 | V I R G I N I A G O L F E R